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New government benefit, first snow, men to retire at 55, Wildberries turns on the “time machine”: important for this hour

There is a complete shortage of personnel throughout Russia, but the State Duma noted that the country clearly lacks doctors and only doctors. They are trying to solve the problem with the help of another advantage.

In addition to raising salaries, a bill has been submitted to the State Duma that will provide doctors and teachers with another benefit. Therefore, it is planned to provide children of doctors and teachers with places in preschool educational institutions on a preferential basis. The bill has already been submitted to the State Duma, and if it is adopted, the children of police officers, soldiers, doctors and teachers will be accepted into kindergarten first, and then everyone else.

Retired at 55.

In Russia, they are planning to grant single mothers the right to early retirement. The bill will be submitted to the Russian Duma. We propose revising the law on insurance and pensions. In particular, we are talking about the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension for men who are the only parents of three, four, five or more children aged 62, 61 and 55 years, respectively.

In addition, for early retirement, the individual pension coefficient must be at least 30, and the length of service must be at least 15 years. Another condition is providing child care for 8 years from the moment of receiving the status of a single parent.

Maxim Oreshkin, deputy head of the presidential administration, said that there will no longer be cheap labor in the Russian economy. Speaking at the Productivity 360 forum, the official warned businessmen and industry leaders that wages in Russia will continue to rise.

"We need to understand that there will be no cheap labor in our economy, that wages have already increased and will continue to increase," said Maxim Oreshkin.

According to officials, the only way out of the situation is to increase labor productivity through automation and the introduction of artificial intelligence.

Vladislav Bakalchuk announced the restoration of the first Wildpers website. The page was created 20 years ago.

"They left everything as is," he said.

Bakalchuk admitted that in some menu items users will not find anything because “it won’t save time,” while in others surprises await.

“This is the same thing we imported 20 years ago when Wildberry was just starting out,” he explained.

Residents of the Ulyanovsk region are actively sharing photos of the first snow that fell in the region on October 17 on social networks. The photos taken in Barisha show how the first snow completely covered the ground on a private plot.

According to the forecast for the Samara region, the Volga UGMS reports that the first snow and rain in the 63rd region may fall on the night of Saturday, October 19. The air temperature tonight is -1...+4 °C.


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