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MPs Pass Bill to Ban Childfree Ideology

The State Duma deputies have adopted in the first reading a bill banning the propaganda of the ideology of childlessness, that is, the conscious refusal to have children. This proposal was supported by 388 elected representatives. This was reported by the Speaker of the House of Representatives Vyacheslav Volodin.

The adopted document introduces changes to six current federal laws that regulate, among other things, the propaganda of pedophilia, LGBT* and transgenderism.

It is proposed to introduce serious fines for promoting the refusal to have children - up to 400 thousand rubles for individuals, up to 800 thousand rubles for civil servants and up to 5 million rubles for legal entities.

"I emphasize that we are talking specifically about banning propaganda against birthrates. A woman decides for herself whether to have children or not. Again, it is up to her to decide who she wants to talk to about this. However, there should be no propaganda that puts pressure on women when they decide to have children. This is what is happening now in America and Europe," Volodin said.

Earlier, the State Duma speaker called on legislators not to abuse the phrase in the legislative act banning the ideology of children's freedom, so as not to distort the meaning of the initiative.

Source: DEITA.RU  Новости России и Дальнего ВостокаDEITA.RU Новости России и Дальнего Востока

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