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Financial analyst explains what is happening with the ruble on the international market

Moscow, October 17, FederalPress. Due to the decline in sales of foreign currency revenue by exporters and the tense geopolitical situation, the ruble has shown a sharp decline compared to the bi-currency basket. In particular, since August, the ruble has fallen in value against the yuan by 17%, financial analyst Artem Zvezdin told FederalPress.

Zvezdin expects the ruble to dollar exchange rate to approach 99 rubles per US dollar and 14.5 rubles per Chinese yuan.

Of course, this will affect products and services, analysts note. Prices for imported PC components will rise the most. Prices for these components have already risen by 3-4% over the past few months, and by the New Year they will rise by about 12% or more, compensating for the fall in the ruble exchange rate.

Artem Zvezdin added that equipment will also become more expensive. Although economic growth is not as strong as its components, it could amount to about 8% by the end of the year.

Earlier, Russians were told when and under what conditions the value of the ruble would fall.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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