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Can veterans of the SVO come to power in Russia? Why does the State Duma prohibit children from riding quadrovers? The famous Russian writer, Lieutenant Colonel of the Russian Guard Zakhar Prilepin spoke about this on the air of the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

- Now the heroes of the Northern Military District will be welcomed everywhere, including in the political world. There was also news that Kiriyenko promised Putin that by next year he would train 50 mayors and governors. Are there that many of them? And will they cope?

- I think we will definitely do a competent job and hire 50 managers out of 1 million people involved in everything that happens in the North-Eastern Military District.

The problem is different. We cannot work with two million people yet, because many are still on combat missions. Many say that the men will return, they say that the men will return, but I have been carrying this burden for three years. If you form a militia, it can number about 10 people. Burnout is already happening. And when they return, many of them will talk about your job offer. I want nothing more than to immerse myself in my children, whom I have not seen for a long time, and my wife. And I need to heal my wounds and go fishing, and I have not been there for three years ... So, for this personnel system to work, there must be some kind of advanced rotation of personnel. Of course, you can also divide them one by one. But this is already field work. But you need to have a system and a large selection base.

- Zhogu was sent to the Urals as an authorized representative. How did you react to this?

- I knew him, I knew his son, and in that life we ​​communicated and consulted a lot, even before the start of the SVO. My young squad and I often visited his father Boka and the legendary Spartan. He is a worthy person in all respects, and we pay tribute to the personnel officers who chose him among many iconic field commanders of Donbass. Of course, he is very suitable for this.

- Bloggers are already writing that Zhoga will now erase the "fifth column" of the Urals...

- Guys, don't take wishful thinking for reality. No one, not even the bravest, will be able to break this system. The Urals have billions of dollars. They have long tried all forms of political secret life. They will eat anyone. Don't lie to yourself that Robin Hood or Stepan Timofeevich Razin will come and kill all the evil spirits. Don't impose false obligations on respected people.

We, veterans of the first and second Chechen campaigns, also returned to a complex system. Even if the three of us had entered, we would have been nobody. Every manager there has a million dollars, and some have a billion dollars. And they didn’t care whether you were from the Northern Military District, from Chechnya, or from the Battle of Kulikovo.

People will come from the SVO, get some treatment, sleep, and not fight with this mighty octopus. Therefore, the integration of veterans of the Northern Military District into all structures, including the economy, politics and the media, is a huge task. And we must provide them with such an opportunity so that they can truly resist our liberal capitalist bourgeoisie.

Well, imagine this - a man from the SVO comes back, but what will the oligarch who owns half the city do with him? This oligarch? How will he defeat him? Please be a little calmer.

If the president and Sergei Vladilenovich (Kiriyenko – ed.) are really set on gradual personnel changes, they will achieve this. But if you put 10 people with a military past in the chair, nothing will change.

There are no apartments in Nice

- There were different approaches to power by people in uniform.

- Yes, generals who had been through the Chechen war came to power. They became plenipotentiaries and governors. Troshev, Kazantsev, Lebed - the same...

What changed? Many of them turned out to be useless civil servants, many achieved some success, but overall there was no revolution in patriotism and economics. They were just commanding generals. Nothing more.

Perhaps nothing will change now. However, there is one difference. There is no escaping the challenges facing Russia today. This is BRICS, this is the transition to a global Southeast, this is the creation of a mobilizing nation ready for any challenge. It is impossible to leave everything on the brakes. And we will not be able to solve all these problems with our current elite. There must be an elite that thinks fundamentally differently.

- Yes. I graduated from the Governor's School and teach in Senezh and Tavrida. And I see the main differences between the new cadres and the existing elite. None of them connects their future with the West. Everyone knows that they are under sanctions there, and Donbass is their home. They are ready to go there and start working right now. They will not have an apartment in Nice or a daughter in London, like most of the current elite. For them, this will not ring a bell. Oh, don't do it. The daughter is there, she needs to finish her studies, there is still an apartment, there is this and that.

And that calms me down a lot.

The old elite had no interest in their foreign property, so they simply handed it over to their wives, relatives, dogs and cats. Nothing was sold, betrayed or forgotten. So we do not expect a reorganization of Russia until we change its generations. But these people are already at the door. And thank God that this door exists.

- There is an opinion that now they want to add members of the SVO to the hierarchy of power so that there are no fighters left at the top and it doesn’t turn out like in the times of Gorbachev, who betrayed the ideals of his grandfather.

- That's a very good idea. I saw a photo of a group of people sitting on Brezhnev's hunting grounds in 1976. They were all front-line soldiers! And we had already seen a film about American gangsters with machine guns. We thought it was very charismatic and courageous. And for a moment I imagined a meeting of these gangsters played by Al Pacino and De Niro, and Brezhnev's Politburo. And there are those who personally took cities and bridgeheads! They would have torn these bandits apart without looking. In six minutes of urban combat, they would have killed everyone.

The horror of the Soviet system was that we couldn't convey to our citizens what a wonderful elite we had. Compared to that, everything Hollywood produces is laughable and ridiculous.

- Now the tasks are the same. We must show that those who occupy the city are in power. They are qualitatively different. It was during the Yeltsin era that our liberal bourgeois institutions - Yegor Timurovich Gaidar, Anatoly Borisovich Chubais - surpassed the generals who fought in Chechnya. I hope that the rules of the game have changed since then.

It's really an infection - CHILDFREE

- It seems that a printing house for prohibition has started working in the State Duma. They are not just prohibited, they are recognized as extremists, be they childless or four-legged.

- I hear these speeches not only from you, but also from many people whom I respect, military officers and true patriots of Russia. I will answer everyone. Dear friends, if you really have no problems with Childfree and Quadrovers, then why do you care about their ban?

- The fact that the State Duma can conditionally pass 300 laws a year, two of which concern children and four-legged animals, does not cause concern. Why does everyone prove that this does not exist? And I tell you that childlessness is not just a philosophy. There is a system of subsidies that pollutes our young minds with these things. I probably wrote my first destructive article about children's freedom back in 2010. According to him, this infects young people with the idea that they do not owe anything to anyone. Then Russian liberalism began and I was simply torn apart. Thousands of people gathered and shouted. We have no children. It was already clear that there was a problem, and there were people who were convinced that this was their right. Not because they were poor or because the state did not give them a home, but because this was a philosophy of life that they learned somewhere.

- Actually, isn't this a human right?

I don't say this with malice, but if you live to retirement in Russia, I have four children, and they will feed you. It won't be your pension contributions that feed you, but my children will work in factories, guard borders, or do other work so that you live to 90. Well, what the hell? Because you never had children.

The country needs people to live. They need to be born. Everything is fine. Any infection that starts wreaking havoc on the already vulnerable population must be neutralized.

Do you still think that the State Duma is dealing with secondary issues?

- Are we talking all this blah-blah-blah? For example, solving demographic problems requires greater corporate social responsibility. So that entrepreneurs will meet the youth halfway. Yes, a businessman will never meet anyone halfway! A socializing state either solves this or it doesn't. Then there will be no people in the country. That's all.

Members of parliament cannot say, "Let's declare socialism." They don't have that option. So they do what they can get.

At least they know the real size of our demographic. Correction is urgently needed.

- It at least changes the face of society a little. Because in 2021, on the eve of World War II, we suffered from all these infections, as well as from LGBT propaganda. We hated our country, considered Russian history a garbage dump, loved only foreign films, we had no children, God knows what people without a past and present are. And we still haven't fixed this situation. But we have to pull out all these fragments and fix them. Here we have LGBT, here we have non-childhood, here we have something else. And repaint this fence.

- Some say that in order to increase the birth rate, city dwellers should be resettled to villages. From cramped cage apartments to large houses.

- This problem must be solved through large-scale social programs, propaganda, television, films and changing the old ideological structures. Who was raising our young generation? Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak and Dud, foreign agents. Sobchak said that our ideology is that everyone is free. Don't worry. And the most important thing is a Louis Vuitton bag and a good husband. And Dud said that our past is hell and we should run away from it. And no one offered young people another Sobchak and another Dud, saying that a normal family is at least two children, and preferably four. This is a sign of a successful person. This had to be taken seriously. Find 10-20 talented, smart bloggers-shmoggers who have wives and children, and they will say:

We need to create these sub-ministries. I'm going to bring all these people in there. A blogger, a rapper and a rocker who are doing great things and have six kids each. This is going to be on all the best TV shows. At least that's where we should start.

Therefore, we can and must provide housing for large families. We have the money for this. We are simply greedy. And in vain, there will be no shortage of apartments, and there are not so many large families. Conventionally speaking, four children are one apartment. Without a mortgage. Dear capitalists, do not spare anything for this. It turned out that when large families were given housing and money, the economy did not collapse and nothing broke.

It is clear that there will be those who are dissatisfied. They will say: they created poverty, but did not give me a beautiful, lonely child. Forgive me, brother, we are saving our country.

- We asked Prilepin the following question: "We really liked the series "Reserves" about mobilized Donetsk. There they themselves, the survivors, talked through the script and acted themselves. The sergeant major is the son of "Sailor", the commander of the "Sparta" company and the nephew of the commander of another company, "Vodyanoy". It's great to appeal to film platforms and viewers. However, it is a little disappointing that it competes with a film based on the "Combination" group. It could have been worse. Sometimes there was no victory, no fall of Ugledar, no "reserves", but, like in the 90s, there was complete disgrace and a "combination". Is this a fair statement?

- The argument is very simple. If we had made a film about a brothel in 1912 together with a film about Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Gastello in 1938 or 1944, we would have seen how merrily the girls danced...

— Mayakovsky is a genius. Don’t involve him. He couldn’t care less about Buba Kastorsky from Odessa, who knows nothing about war. It would demoralize society. It would be a disgrace. Our people fight and die on the front lines, while in the rear they carry out “annexations”. There are countless heroes in Russia whose lives have not been filmed. Wherever you look, we have wonderful stories at every turn! But someone decided. We decided to make some money by making a film about how we danced in clubs in the 90s, even in hostile situations...

- ...How did Russian show business start? Remember the song "American Fight, I'll Come With You"? It was called "Combination".

- I hate to think that this series is about young mobilized guys who worked in Donetsk theaters, but were captured and sent into battle, where they tasted such hell and were forced to compete with some cranberries. Why do we need such a big competition? Of course, the beaches of the Maldives are covered in blood and sweat. It's cooler on the beach. And these are the stories they tell us. The thing is, people don't care about reservists, they care about show business. Nobody cares what's funnier. I'm worried about how I'll get out of the hostility. We're not going to crawl to "American Fight." We should at least pretend that we sympathize with the men in front and their mothers in the back. And don't have a crutch race to rate "The Last Scoundrel."

Apti Alaudinov: The SVO is indeed practically complete and will be closed on our terms (more details).

Source: Комсомольская правда-DigitalКомсомольская правда-Digital

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