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Why is it bad for a summer resident not to have legal rights to a shed? The problem has been solved by a new law

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin reported that the new standards will for the first time allow for simplified registration of such buildings as baths and summer kitchens. And, importantly, Russians can quickly register ownership of a house divided into two families. According to the speaker, citizens have repeatedly expressed concern about difficulties in this area during the appeal process.

The buildings in question have not yet received amnesty, which means their owners have had to scold officials for a long time. One of the authors of the bill, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov explained that in order to register a building, it is currently necessary to conduct cadastral work, prepare a declaration form for the property, etc. And with the adoption of the new law, citizens will spend less time and money, the deputy explained.

Information about outbuildings will be entered into the Unified State Register of Real Estate based on technical passports or appraisal documents, Krasheninnikov noted. But there are conditions. By January 1, 2013, the building must be entered into the technical or state register of property rights to housing, and the interested party must have the right to the land plot itself.

Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Property, Land and Property Relations Sergei Gavrilov said in a commentary to RG: In order to take advantage of the dacha amnesty, it is necessary to provide Rosreestr with documents confirming the right of ownership and a technical plan. It is prepared by a cadastral engineer on the basis of a declaration on the real estate object (prepared directly by the owner) or design documentation.

What's wrong with summer residents not having legal rights to sheds, etc.? Vladimir Koshelev, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Utilities, told RG: If such items are not considered unauthorized construction, they cannot be insured or legally included in the price of the lot. sold. And First Deputy Director of the State Construction Committee Daniil Bessarabov made it clear that we are talking specifically about capital buildings with a foundation. That is, for example, a standard greenhouse does not need to be registered; a structure with a foundation is enough for it. Another clarification for the second reading: "amnesty" does not apply if the court decides to demolish the building.

State Duma deputy Nikita Chaplin, chairman of the Union of Summer Residents of the Moscow Region, told RG that these changes provide gardeners with not only legal but also economic stability. "In today's conditions, it is important that summer residents do not have to deal with exhausting bureaucracy, and that everything can be resolved quickly, for example, using the State Services portal. This significantly simplifies the process, eliminating the need for a personal visit. "MFC," he said. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Housing and Public Utilities Sergei Kolunov recalled that at the beginning of the year, Russia extended the amnesty (until 2031) for the construction of security posts, boiler houses, warehouses and gardening societies. Other things. Therefore, the new permit document continues this line of simplification for summer residents.

As already mentioned, the simplified registration procedure will also apply to houses in so-called developments where two (sometimes three) families live. This refers to buildings built before May 14, 1998, Pavel Krasheninnikov said. According to him, this standard is relevant because in the 1960s and 1970s, people were often provided with housing with common walls under one roof. Each part of these buildings has a separate entrance, but communications and land are usually common. This caused problems with the registration of rights. According to specialized committees, there are more than 66 thousand apartments in Russia whose owners are facing similar problems. This will now be resolved.

Please note that according to the current regulations, the multi-car amnesty is valid until 2031. Therefore, Russians still have time to simplify the design of houses and outbuildings. It is expected that this regulation will come into force after the official publication of the law.

Source: Российская Газета: издание Правительства РФРоссийская Газета: издание Правительства РФ

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