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They want to get rich: the developer responded to the accusations of a Tyumen resident putting pressure on him because of the KRT

The company stated that it had not made a decision to stop heating “facilities that do not belong to it.” According to the developer, they plan to purchase the building on Prazhskaya as part of the 7th stage of development of the territory in 2027.

"During the negotiations, the owner's representative stated several times that he was ready to agree to purchase the property. They valued it at 20 million rubles, which is 2.5 times higher than the official valuation of 8.3 million rubles. We offered 9 million dollars. The Subbotins are trying to benefit from the opportunity to receive an exorbitant compensation for their property, which they would never have received in a normal market transaction, the company added.

“We argued that the terms of the purchase of the property should be determined only by the market value, which clearly exceeds the $8.3 million offered by the developer. “There was no mention of a specific amount in the conversation,” Kagalnikov said.

Interestingly, the developer's response contains a comment (from a third person) from the later owner of the house, Yulia Zakomaldina. The editorial team had previously tried to talk to her in detail about the current situation by phone, but she hung up.

Now the woman claims that the heat in her house was restored on October 11. This was confirmed to the editor by the father of the family, Semyon Subbotin, who believes that the reason is the publicity surrounding the situation.

The later owner of the house, Zakomaldina, claims that she did not dare to cut the pipes and found out about it when, during an inspection, she discovered that there were no windows in the house.

Zakomaldina also claims that she has every right to demand that the house be declared unsafe, since half of it belongs to her. (Earlier, the court overturned the authorities' decision to declare Prazhskaya's house unsafe. — Ed.).

— More than a year has passed since the interdepartmental commission raised objections and the latest judicial law came into force. Despite the speculation, the owner still lives in the house he owns without any restrictions or encroachments, which once again confirms that the step to recognize the house as unsafe is only the exercise of rights by IP Zakomaldin, the response says.

"The Subbotins believe that they have the right to greater compensation for the house, but the actions of the second owner lead to the destruction of property. And they plan to prove this in court," the lawyer added.

What else have you written about CRT?

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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