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In Kandalaksha, they installed stops "for southerners", and in Kirovsk - a "Venetian pavilion"

Stops in Kirovsk and Kandalaksha have caused discontent among Arctic residents. Northerners report this on social networks.

That is why Kirov residents complained about the “Venetianka” bus stop that appeared in Khibiny.

- A cry from the heart. At 25 km, the Komsomolskaya stop (Kirov direction) has been flooded since the beginning of autumn. A huge deep puddle. The stop is inaccessible. A subscriber of the community "Severe Khibiny" says that only two or three people will be able to find shelter from the bad weather on a small dry "island".

The message emphasizes that the request to correct the situation was received by the administration almost a month ago.

“We have committed to conducting inspections and backfilling work. (...) Today, nothing has changed,” the northerner wrote.

And in Kandalaksha the stop complex is not satisfactory. Local residents even called them "undereducated". So, judging by the photos posted on the public "Kandalaksha Knowledge", this structure has very thin walls and no roof.

— Southerners, stop, northerners, no! It’s nice to see them too. It will look especially good in winter, in frost and snowstorm. Oh, how hard it would be to resist the wind and cold inside! — Svetlana Tereva commented.

"The old ones were much better and more durable than the stops. You could also sit down to protect yourself from the weather," said Elena, who is originally from the north.

Read also: 200 citizens were not held accountable or fined: abuses were revealed in the Aleksandrovsk Ministry of Internal Affairs

Source: Информационное агентство Nord-NewsИнформационное агентство Nord-News

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