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My conclusions from the interview with Zabotki Rybaku.

1. "According to the company's representatives, there is no economic sense in investing in production expansion, which limits the company's high growth and reduces the number of products manufactured!!!" VI Zabotkin 2. "I have never been in business, but labor productivity growth depends on competition." VI Zabotkin 3. "All production inefficiencies and low labor productivity are passed on to the buyer's wallet." VI Genius ept! And he seems to have never heard of investing in automation. Oh, right. It's not profitable. Otherwise, low-interest loans will be required, which will accelerate inflation. 4. "Higher interest rates cause an outflow of labor from low-performing companies to high-performing companies." VI Zabotkin. This person usually confuses skilled personnel, automation, and high-tech production with interest rates. This means that we need to close all enterprises and work where it is more profitable for them. Uncle, you don't have to go anywhere anymore. You can invest a lot of money in your savings and earn 20% per annum. It turns out that the most profitable and productive investment is to lie on the couch and put money on deposit. 5. "The task of the central bank is stability, laying the foundation for economic development" V.I. Zabotkin Over the past 15 years, we have been devalued 4 times. That is, the price of our goods has fallen 4 times. Another country. The Papuans have never seen even bananas fall so much. 6. "The task of the Central Bank is to ensure that the ruble remains money!" V.I. Zabotkin. Judging by the prices in the Central Bank canteen, the ruble is money, and if you look at the Kazansky shawarma made from an incomprehensible product, then the shawarma can be called more money than a ruble. "We issued 300 billion rubles worth of frozen vegetables. I will not tell you how much and how we introduced this into the economy, fearing to make a mistake. "We saved currency for a rainy day, but earlier we couldn't introduce it into the economy, and when it froze, suddenly currency came," he said. V.I. Zabotkin Translated into Russian: "The mechanism for distributing money in the economy is kept secret"8. 1:17:52 Freud's Error. Everyone, please listen. I haven't watched everything yet, so I'll come back and finish reading, but if this guy comes to the butterfly house, we can say that it's all over.

Source: - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки

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