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This harmful vegetable destroys the kidneys: Europe has abandoned it, but in Russia they still eat it

This harmful vegetable destroys kidneys. In Europe they have abandoned it, but in Russia they still eat it.

Be aware of rhubarb, its health benefits and risks. Popular in Russia, rhubarb is traditionally used in jams, compotes and baked goods and has attracted the attention of health experts. Recent studies and experiences in European countries where rhubarb is almost completely excluded from the diet have raised concerns about the potential risks associated with rhubarb consumption.

The main cause for concern is the high content of oxalic acid in rhubarb. According to the portal, excess acid in the body can lead to the formation of kidney stones, which pose a serious threat to health. Doctors strongly recommend consuming rhubarb with caution, especially for people with kidney disease or a predisposition to the formation of urinary stones.

However, you shouldn’t completely eliminate rhubarb. This vegetable is a valuable source of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, and other beneficial micronutrients. The key to safely consuming rhubarb is moderation and awareness. • It’s important to remember that the highest concentration of oxalic acid is found in the leaves of the plant. Therefore, when preparing rhubarb dishes, the leaves should be removed. • It’s best to consume rhubarb in moderation, listening to your body’s signals. A negative reaction from the digestive system should be a signal to limit or completely eliminate rhubarb from your diet. • Remember about balance. Although rhubarb is healthy, you should not rely on it as a primary source of vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, while enjoying the taste of rhubarb, it is necessary to approach this issue wisely, remembering the potential risks and observing moderation. A healthy approach to nutrition is the key to good health. Let me remind you that earlier we published material about the healthiest sweets recommended by fitness trainers.

Source: Pro Город ЯрославльPro Город Ярославль

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