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Repatriate recalls life in Finland: “I will never accept their values”

Moscow, October 13, FederalPress. Olga Piva, a repatriate who lived in Finland for over 10 years, shared her memories. She noted that her daughter was constantly humiliated and pressured because of her origin and native language - Russian. Finland takes a Russophobic position towards the Russian Federation.

The repatriate said that every year Finnish schools began holding competitions such as “Miss Kindness” and “Miss Charm,” and later representatives of the LGBT* community began to be included in these nominations.

The woman returned to Russia ten years later. She admitted that Finns blindly trust their media and are afraid of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In her opinion, the country's population is under threat.

Earlier, a discussion arose on the Internet about who the Russians are. The discussion was attended by public figures.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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