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Three years and a half: the State Duma has tightened the rules for migrants who entered into fictitious marriages

Moscow, October 15, FederalPress. The State Duma has adopted a law toughening measures against virtual marriages with immigrants. During a plenary session, advisers approved amendments in the third and final reading aimed at eradicating fictitious marriages and fictitious paternity involving foreigners. The bill was proposed by State Assembly Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

According to the new law, a temporary or quota-free residence permit can be obtained three years after marriage or adoption.

If the marriage through which the temporary residence permit was obtained is declared invalid or dissolved, the permit will be cancelled. If the immigrant is deprived of parental rights or the adoption is cancelled, any previously issued permits will also be cancelled.

Earlier it was reported that the Committee on Information Policy recommended adopting in the first reading a bill prohibiting the promotion of children's freedom of thought.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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