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Parents-rights-holders and arrogant head teachers: a physical education teacher from Tyumen explained why he ran away from school

I worked at this school for 10 years. I came to this profession after working as a consultant. I really enjoyed interacting with children. It gave me strength and inspiration. So for the first few years at the school, I just enjoyed it. I tried to use this passion to make my PE classes unique and interesting. Children would come to my class and there would be spy music playing... Now they were no longer PE students, but agents on a mission. In this playful way, we learned the school curriculum. The children had no idea what was waiting for me next. Everyone participated with joy, there were almost no absences.

After two years, thoughts about quitting smoking began to creep into my head. This happened when a problem arose with the school management. I did not understand how this could affect my salary. The amount, apparently, depended on the mood of the management. The director could not clearly answer my questions about my salary, but his attitude towards me has changed since then. They began to treat me worse.

I wasn't just a gym teacher. I was also a class teacher. And when I took the kids under my wing, I promised them that I would take them to 9th grade. I didn't quit right away just because I promised them. What kind of example are you setting for them if you don't keep your promises?

Salaries in schools are a bit of a mess. I remember working a lot, going to clubs and going to competitions with the kids in my free time, but at the end of the month I was paid less than the teacher who worked strictly from 8am to 2pm. There is no explanation as to why. When I tried to find out from my bishop about this, they told me to my face: - What am I trying to explain to you? You know, as a boy...

They can't stand it. They come and shout about their rights, but they don't know their responsibilities. Among teachers, such people are called "legislators". For some reason, such mothers (it is mainly women who behave this way) decided that the school should not only teach their children everything, but also raise and feed them. And they themselves don't owe anything to anyone. But they also don't know how to speak. No respect for teachers, even for those who are much older than them.

Instead of helping the teacher, parents bully him. They complain about all sorts of nonsense and find reasons to say: "You are not fulfilling your duties." Meanwhile, teachers now have a huge workload. Imagine that you are working with a class of 35 people at the same time. And you need to help each one explain and understand the topic. But all children are different. Some grasp knowledge on the fly, some have to explain the same thing several times, and some do not understand the topic at all. Parents now do not take into account that children of the seventh type (with mental retardation or underdevelopment - Ed.) also study in general classes and that there are foreign students. They do not know Russian at all.

How can the problem be solved?

I tried many times to make our school better. We formed a great basketball team, held free practices with the kids and organized competitions with other schools. Everything was fine until one day the ball hit the fire alarm and slightly damaged the box. This was the only incident for several months. The kids were happy and developed, and the hallway was always tidy. He did his time and worked for free. But the principal hid all this without any explanation. How many times have I come and how many times have kids come to me and asked about basketball? But they told us: "No, that's it." So what's the problem? Well, something small happened. It's the kids, the gym! Let's fix it, let's be more careful. But it's always easier to ban.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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