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Rudeness, ignorance and obscurantism: a pediatrician from Tyumen talks about what annoys him about his patients

Tyumen residents often criticize doctors. Tyumen residents, what do they think of you? We asked a pediatrician at a Tyumen clinic what upsets her about little patients and their parents. The list of the most annoying traits is in this anonymous column.

I have been a primary care pediatrician for several years now and I love my job, my patients, and their parents. It is difficult to anger me. That is the kind of doctor I am. Very few things really upset me. But the way our work is structured means that there are always moments that prevent us from being effective professionals. Often, this is the patient’s fault. Here’s why:

It is annoying when they come at the wrong time. Come early or very late. The time allotted for one appointment is very short. Less than 10 minutes per child! During this time, patients must be interviewed and paperwork completed. If someone is late, the appointment time will change and take longer than usual. And the same patients ask: "Why are you postponing the appointment?"

This includes the sly parents who only sign up one child but involve their entire family in the test! I don't reject anyone and I still accept them, but I'm so tired of it. Isn't it obvious that the same people are sitting behind the door and waiting for help?

Recognize that you will have to visit the clinic several times. In the allotted minutes, you can schedule tests and prescribe treatment for your child, but if you want to clarify prescriptions or vaccinations and adjust the diet, you may not have time.

Sometimes parents don't even know how they treat their children. Most often this happens when the child comes with his father, grandmother or another relative, but the mother is also present. Your job is to simply remember what you are giving your child! But I don't even know the name of the medicine I give my child three times a day.

Self-administration of antibiotics or antiviral drugs is even more dangerous. How many times has this happened? The patient had an intestinal infection and was prescribed flu medication. Of course, traditional medicine is not going anywhere. There was a case when a child was given onion juice. Why - I do not know. It is simply dangerous.

Of course, rudeness, ignorance and vagueness are very annoying. When you try to talk to parents, they start saying: "In fact, we are receiving treatment with wheat germ, homeopathy or something like that." And you understand that the person is not ready to make contact and follow the recommendations that you give him.

The farthest house from my plot is 2 km away. I walk especially in winter. And when you get there, you still have to get into the apartment. The intercom may not work, people are sleeping or going for a walk.

Okay, let's say I come and my parents meet me. For some reason they think that calling a doctor to the house will be more effective, but it's not! I only have my hands, my head and a phonoscope. No tests, no cards. In the hospital, children will receive much more effective help.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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