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Payment of property taxes in 2024: what do St. Petersburg residents need to know about this?
Традиционно заплатить налоги на недвижимое и движимое имущество россияне должны до 1 декабря. Это следует из духа 32 главы Налогового кодекса РФ. Но в 2024-м вышло так, что 1 декабря приходится на воскресенье. Поэтому было принято решение о продлении сроков уплаты до понедельника, 2 декабря, включительно.
Платежи вносятся за предыдущий год. То есть, в 2024-м налогоплательщики рассчитываются по налогам за 2023-й год.
Именно по «квадратам» базовые правила игры и льготы определяют федералы. Но на уровне закона Петербурга прописываются конкретные размеры ставки, привязываемые к кадастровой стоимости недвижимости и ее категориям. Для автомобилей и земельных участков есть льготы также на уровне законодательства Северной столицы.
Впервые в 2024-м году россиянам предстоит рассчитаться с государством и по полученным по накопительным вкладам процентам. В этом вопросе важны малейшие детали, и, как признаются эксперты, даже банкиры не до конца во всем разобрались.
Выясняем вместе с экспертами, на что надо обратить внимание и в чем хотя бы базово разбираться.
А если уведомление не прислали?
Традиционно налоговики рассылают уведомления. Это может происходить в личном кабинете налогоплательщика на сайте ФНС, на Госуслугах, если согласие дано, либо по почте. В таких документах указывается налоговая база, ставка, период, за который проводятся расчеты, общая сумма, которая подлежит уплате.
Иногда может выйти так, что по каким-то причинам человек уведомление не получил.
Как рассказывает заместитель руководителя УФНС России по Петербургу Светлана Лебедева, в таких случаях необходимо обратиться в любую инспекцию, удобнее, ближайшую.
Возможна ситуация, когда человек по каким-то причинам находится в другом городе. Тогда стоит обратиться в местную инспекцию.
У налогового уведомления есть QR- код, который можно отсканировать, а также уникальный идентификатор начислений (УИН). Последний включает в себя код из 20 —25 цифр, по которому Казначейство России отслеживает, от кого и когда поступил платёж.
Как особо подчеркивает Светлана Лебедева, налоговое уведомление направляется, если сумма к уплате свыше 300 руб. Если она меньше, то документ не направляется. Узнать о том, что такой небольшой налог все-таки начислен можно, по существу только в личном кабинете, либо при личном обращении к налоговикам.
Иногда люди не знают в принципе о выставленных суммах до 300 руб. и не платят. Налоговики пугают: это чревато нехорошими последствиям.
Кредитный и финансовый консультант Александр Бида успокаивает: если раз не заплатить, то дело до глобального ареста счетов, имущества судебными приставами или невыпуска заграницу не дойдет. Но на долг начнут начислять пени.
Может выйти и так, что с какого-то момента на банковские карты могут наложить временный арест и принудительно списать с них сумму задолженности. Но некоторые не особо внимательно относящиеся к своим финансам это даже не почувствуют.
You can find out about tax rates and benefits for individuals and legal entities in the reference information on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia:
The tax on square meters is calculated as a percentage of the cadastral value of the property: a room, apartment, garage, residential building, etc.
Residents of St. Petersburg can check this on the website of the state budgetary body "Department of Cadastral Valuation of the City". However, it is quite difficult for a person who is not an expert in the real estate market to do this. You need to know the cadastral number of the real estate object in question.
As real estate market analyst Alexey Shcherbatykh explained, you can find out your cadastral number on the Rosreestr website
The following rates for rooms and apartments are currently in effect in the northern capital: For properties worth up to 7 million rubles, the tax rate is 0.1%, if the value of residential real estate is from 7 to 20 million rubles. - 0, 15, 20 and more, up to 30 million rubles. - 0.2. For a garage - 0.3. The price of a dacha in the city of 50-10 million - 0.15%, an object of 10-20 million - 0.2%, 20-30 - 0.25%.
However, it is important to clarify a key point here. Since 2023, residents of St. Petersburg have been paying taxes based on the existing cadastral value, which was assessed before the pandemic. Since then, real estate prices have risen sharply across the board. This process is also reflected in the fact that a revaluation took place in 2023. As a result, prices per square meter have risen significantly, officials say, seeking to bring them closer to the market. In total, about 2.6 residential buildings were considered, the value of which increased by more than 70%.
The new cadastral values came into force on January 1, 2024. Therefore, in 2025, St. Petersburg residents will pay much more.
Pensioners are automatically exempt from taxes on their "area" without having to file an application with the tax authorities. That is, women over 55 and men who have reached 60 years of age. But there are subtle nuances here too.
We are talking about people who retired under the conditions that came into force on December 31, 2018, says Elena Korolkova, Head of the Property Tax and Official Control Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for St. Petersburg.
After this date, a pension reform began in Russia, gradually increasing the retirement age. The paradoxical situation is that in 2023, no one will retire due to age restrictions. In fact, one year was added, and, for example, in 2024, women will retire at 58 (born in 1966), and men will retire at 63 (born in 1961).
As Elena Korolkova added, the situation is special for pensioners and military personnel of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Federal Tax Service for St. Petersburg has no information on this matter. To receive the benefit, you must submit an application.
In this case, pensioners are granted benefits only for one property. For example, if a pensioner has two apartments, the benefit is usually provided for the larger room. But you will still have to pay less. However, pensioners still have the right to choose what they want to pay for. But then you will have to apply.
Sometimes it may turn out that the owner of the square meter is a minor. As Olga Gorbach, a real estate agent at Makromir, notes, in this case the tax is paid by the parents.
Pensioners are also exempt from transport and land taxes. But here, as always, the saying "the devil is in the details" never ends.
The benefits can easily be lost if there is an outstanding debt on other taxes or if the person is included in the municipal register of debtors. Elena Korolkova says that the financial committee of Smolny is responsible for maintaining this document.
The list of beneficiaries of transport and land taxes in the northern capital is not limited to pensioners.
All preferential categories for such payments are listed in detail in City Code No. 81-11.
The amount of transport tax is calculated by multiplying the specific power (hp) of the car by the current tax rate. The latter is set independently in each region. As automobile expert Alik Kortiev explains, the highest rates are currently in effect in Moscow and St. Petersburg, while in other regions they are approximately 50% lower.
So, for cars up to 100 horsepower the rate in the northern capital is now 24 rubles, from 100 to 150 - 35, from 150 to 200 - 50, from 200 to 250 - 75, from 250 - 150.
According to auto expert Denis Smolyanov, for domestic Lada cars we are talking about 90-122 hp. Thus, in the latter case, the tax will be 4270.
The power of "crossovers" starts from 180 hp and can exceed 200 units.
Thus, for the Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.6 Limited this figure is 286 horsepower. Therefore, we will talk about the payment amount of almost 43,000 rubles.
But the story does not end there. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not have such a concept, but the coefficient for expensive cars costing more than 10 million rubles, or the so-called "luxury tax", increases. On the other hand, these expensive cars occupy less than 20% of the market, said Alik Kortiev.
It is also worth emphasizing that the transport tax and other taxes are also paid at the place of residence. But this is especially important for car owners. The fact is that the subject has the right not only to set tariffs, but also to make other concessions in the form of discounts on old cars with a mileage of 5-10 years. Sometimes for St. Petersburg residents "registered" in the northern capital, the transport tax can be much more expensive than in other regions.
By the way, benefits for city pensioners are provided only for domestic cars or cars produced in the EAEU, with a capacity of up to 150 horsepower, if no more than 15 years have passed from the date of production.
The know-how for the 2024 payment season is the tax calculation for savings deposit interest.
상트페테르부르크 연방 국세청의 개인 소득 과세 및 보험료 관리 부서 책임자인 Marina Spiridonova는 2021년에 세법이 이에 상응하는 변경이 이루어졌다고 지적했습니다. 하지만 이번에는 2021년과 2022년에 모라토리엄이 있었습니다.
Alexander Bida가 강조한 것처럼 우리는 청구 기간 동안 중앙 은행보다 금리가 높은 저축 예금에 대해 구체적으로 이야기하고 있습니다. 지불액이 계산되는 금액은 최소 1백만 루블이어야 합니다. 그러나 동시에 다른 은행의 모든 저축 저축에 대한이자 소득이 150,000 루블을 초과하지 않으면 발행되지 않습니다.
Marina Spiridonova가 강조한 것처럼 저축 예금 소득에 대한 세율은 15%입니다. 다시 말하지만, 2024년 세금은 2023년 세금으로 청구됩니다. 그렇다면 중앙은행 주요 금리의 최대 규모는 정확히 이 15%였습니다.
또한 그러한 세금은 어느 은행이나 어느 법인에서 예금했는지에 관계없이 러시아 시민의 등록 장소에서 징수됩니다. 연방세청에 관련 데이터가 있습니다. 기여 자체가 이루어진 연도(2022년, 2021년, 심지어 2015년)는 중요하지 않습니다.
주목할 점은 교통세와 마찬가지로 이자도 고액일 경우 분할납부가 가능하다는 점이다. 하지만 12월 2일까지 완료해야 합니다.
Marina Spiridonova가 구체적으로 밝혔듯이 주택 구매자의 에스크로 계정과 1% 미만의 수익률로 예금에 대한 지불은 이루어지지 않습니다.
일반적으로 예금 이자로만 생활하고 다른 수입원이 없지만 자비로 치료를 받거나 약을 구입했거나 피트니스 클럽을 포함한 스포츠에 참여하는 사람들도 할인을 받을 수 있습니다. 하지만 이 경우에도 세무당국에 재계산 신청서를 제출해야 합니다.
익명을 전제로 대담자는 다음과 같이 말합니다. 심지어 은행가조차도 예금에 대한 세금을 정확하게 계산하는 방법을 실제로 이해하지 못합니다. 또 다른 점은 2024년 중앙은행의 기준금리가 이미 21%로 뛰었고, 23%까지 성장할 것이라는 전망이 있다는 점이다. 이러한 상황이 2025년이 되는 올해 지급액에 반영될지는 누구도 확실하게 예측할 수 없습니다.