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"They won't be able to withstand it any longer": the head of Tatenergo named the final deadline for eliminating the depreciation of heating networks

According to him, JSC Tatenergo received a total of 231.3 million rubles from the republican budget for preparations for the BRICS summit.

These funds were used to replace 1.7 km of linear heating networks and update equipment.

— BRICS is a very big event. Perhaps, there has never been such a summit in Kazan. But BRICS will pass, but the network will remain intact.

"The joint venture Tatenergo currently provides heat to 5,798 residential buildings, 12 of which do not have heating," said Rauzil Khaziev. "In Nizhnekamsk, 903 out of 915 buildings are currently heated. We are launching the rest today... We planned to complete [the launch of heating] by October 10, but we did not have time. It did not work.

Khaziev explained that the transfer of the Nizhnekamsk heating network from the private company JSC VKiEKH to Tatenergo was carried out too late. It is noteworthy that the owners initially wanted to sell the network facility, and only after negotiations at the end of June. The transfer occurred due to Tatenergo's accumulated debt of 200 million. As a result, there is little time left to prepare for winter, especially considering that the Nizhnekamsk heating main is in a deplorable state.

According to Khaziev, from July to September, they managed to replace the main heating networks on 18 km of the 600 km currently on the balance sheet of Tatenergo in Nizhnekamsk. The heating network leading to the central heating station was mainly repaired. During the emergency power outage, the heat was not turned off in the entire microdistrict, and the work was carried out only in individual houses located in the network next to the central heating station.

The cost of the repairs was 700 million rubles and was financed from the republican budget. However, only a small part of the "hole" was patched.

"This winter will not be easy for Nizhnekamsk! There have been and will be accidents," Rauzil Khaziev warned and added. "We have seriously prepared for this... The stock of materials for repairs has been doubled, five emergency rescue vehicles have been purchased and equipped."

Salaries below 100,000 are not suitable for everyone.

Rauzil Khaziev reported that the newly created Nizhnekamsk branch of Tatenergo lacks 30% of permanent employees. Of the 600 vacancies, 200 were vacant, and he immediately invited interested people to apply for the job.

According to him, there is also a shortage of personnel in other branches of the company, but there is only a shortage of workers and engineering and management personnel.

He complained about the shortage of labor, saying, "We used to have to stand in line, too." "The labor market has changed dramatically in the last five years. That's why we sign contracts with all the educational institutions that train production workers, award scholarships, and provide subsidies.

The head of Tatenergo emphasized that the average salary of the company's employees in 2024 will reach 85 thousand rubles, an increase of 27% compared to the previous year. "Taking into account the administrative staff, the average salary in the company is much higher - $94,000, and at the end of the year we plan to pay employees the 13th salary of 100,000 rubles," he added. And he said that increasing wages can have only one criterion: increasing labor productivity. This is not as simple as in the case of "reserves", where you can save by redirecting funds to pay employees.

— We buy gas. These are our main expenses. We pay, but we cannot not pay. Taxes cannot be ignored. Therefore, we have to work on repairs that are already very worn out. This imbalance has already begun. This trend is bad. We approach it very carefully, because corporate stability is lost. Salaries have not been consistently increased for a long time. We are “closing” areas that are understaffed.

In order to reduce repairs, and not increase salaries, Tatenergo sees the solution to the whole problem in the following. Housing inventory since 2007.

"In our republic, the network loss rate is 56-83%, while in Russia, on average, it is 70%," Rauzil Khaziev argued in favor of this approach. "Zero wear does not exist. If you install pipes today, they will be worn out tomorrow. We believe that today wear can and should be reduced by 40-45%.

In his opinion, the service organizations themselves, budgets of all levels and end consumers should be financially involved in the capital repairs of the networks. The latter will increase tariffs to the level of a "replacement boiler house". This is significantly higher than the tariff currently approved by the relevant National Committee of the Republic.

Rauzil Khaziev did not give specific figures in response to Realnoe Vremya's question about how much heat tariffs for homes and businesses could increase in this case. But he cited other figures and made a disappointing forecast if the "major repair program for heating networks" is not implemented in the near future.

- I am sure that this program should be implemented within 5 years, maximum 7-8 years. Our network can no longer tolerate this.

He illustrated this statement with the example of Nizhnekamsk, where in the last heating season the replenishment of the heating network (adding water to the system to compensate for leaks) reached 1000 tons per hour with a heat source capacity of 500 tons per hour. The current volume of replenishment is 279 tons, but it must be increased to at least 200 tons. "Otherwise, at minus 30 tons, you will lose heat."

Rauzil Khaziev considers the above tariffs as one of the reserves that can be used to finance the implementation of the program for the capital repair of heating networks. He hopes to overcome the position of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on tariffs and switch to higher tariffs for "alternative boiler houses", but not immediately, but gradually, over 15-17 years.

- Expensive? - He objected in absentia to the accusation that the costs would be an unbearable burden on consumers. - Expensive. Everything in life is expensive to us. We are all poor. When I look out the window, I see neither asphalt nor a place to park a car. In some cities, wages have increased by 30-37 percent! Everything in life is relative. How much it will increase is another question, but today there are people, besides those who work in production, whose wages are not growing and whose pensions are not growing. Several types of subsidies should appear here.

Source: Реальное времяРеальное время

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Elina Belyankina: „Es stellt sich heraus, dass es sich um indirekten Zwang handelt, ein Kind zu bekommen.“

Anfang Oktober nahm Russland die Verhandlungen über Sanktionen gegen kinderlose Russen wieder auf. Andrei Gurulev, Mitglied des Verteidigungsausschusses der Staatsduma, schlug die Einführung einer Steuer auf kinderlose Bürger vor und verwies auf die Notwendigkeit, die Geburtenrate zu erhöhen. Doch der der sowjetischen Praxis entlehnte Plan wirft Fragen zu seiner Wirksamkeit, Gerechtigkeit und möglichen Folgen für die Gesellschaft auf. Das Material von Realnoe Vremya erklärt, was die Argumente dafür und dagegen sind, wer davon profitieren wird und wie sich dies auf die Situation im Land auswirken wird.

Der Sprecher des Präsidenten, Dmitri Peskow, sagte, dass dem Kreml noch keine detaillierten Informationen über den Vorschlag Russlands zur Einführung einer Steuer auf Kinderlosigkeit vorliegen. Er wies auf die Notwendigkeit hin, die sowjetischen Erfahrungen zu analysieren, wo dieses Problem weit verbreitet sei.

Im November 1941 führte die Sowjetunion eine „Steuer auf Junggesellen, Alleinstehende und Kleinfamilien“ ein, im Volksmund als „Eiersteuer“ bekannt. Kinderlose Männer im Alter zwischen 20 und 50 Jahren und kinderlose verheiratete Frauen im Alter zwischen 20 und 45 Jahren mussten 6 % ihres Lohns an den Staat zahlen. Für diejenigen, die weniger als 91 Rubel pro Monat verdienten, galten ermäßigte Steuersätze, und Einkommen unter 70 Rubel wurden überhaupt nicht besteuert.

Peskow äußerte auch Zweifel an der Wirksamkeit dieses Instruments zur Verbesserung der Lage im Land. „Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass diese Steuer Auswirkungen auf die demografische Lage haben wird. Aber diese Arbeit sollte von Profis erledigt werden.“

Die Idee, eine Steuer auf Kinderlosigkeit einzuführen, ist nicht neu. Im Jahr 2020 machte Tatjana Butskaja, Vorstandsvorsitzende der Allrussischen öffentlichen Organisation „Rat der Mütter“, einen ähnlichen Vorschlag. Sie schlug vor, es Menschen aufzuzwingen, sowohl Männern als auch Frauen, die „die Entscheidung, Kinder zu bekommen, bewusst ablehnen“.

„Um die demografische Situation in Russland zu verbessern, sollte jede Familie mindestens zwei Kinder haben, wenn möglich drei oder mehr. Und daran ist nichts Kompliziertes.“

Im Jahr 2024 brachte der Staatsvertreter Andrei Gurulev erneut das Thema Kinderlosigkeit zur Sprache und schlug vor, diese Steuer direkt zur Unterstützung von Waisen und Waisenhäusern zu finanzieren. Er betonte: „Was bleibt einem Menschen in diesem Leben? Das erste ist der Name, das zweite sind die Kinder.“

Erinnern wir uns daran, wie Wjatscheslaw Wolodin, der spätere Vorsitzende der Staatsduma, seine Kollegen dazu aufforderte, bei der Umsetzung von Plänen vorsichtig zu sein, insbesondere bei solchen, die einen öffentlichen Aufschrei hervorrufen könnten. Er warnte insbesondere vor vorschnellen Entscheidungen, auch bei der Einführung dieser Steuer.

Nach Ansicht der Russisch-Orthodoxen Kirche ist der Vorschlag zur Einführung einer Steuer provokativ. Dies geschieht, um die Verabschiedung von Gesetzen zu verhindern, die die Förderung der Freiheit von Kindern verbieten. Laut Pater Fjodor Lukjanow, Vorsitzender des Patriarchalischen Komitees der Russisch-Orthodoxen Kirche für Familie, Mutterschaft und Kinderschutz, zielen die Aktivitäten einiger Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens darauf ab, die Souveränität Russlands zu untergraben. Dies bestätigt die Richtigkeit der Bemühungen der russischen Gesellschaft, sich vor destruktiven Ideologien und Subkulturen zu schützen.

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