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DOM.RF and YADRO have implemented the largest project to implement an object data warehouse

DOM.RF switched to the domestic object data storage system YADRO as part of the import substitution strategy. This is the largest object data storage in the financial sector, built exclusively on Russian equipment.

As part of the competitive procurement, a system capable of effectively managing large volumes of unstructured data was selected as a single object storage platform. The total supply volume is 52 nodes, of which 34 are in the DOM.RF infrastructure and 18 in DOM.RF Bank. The storage is distributed across three data centers, ensuring uninterrupted access and information security even in the event of a disk, server, or one of the data center segments failing. The system capacity is capable of holding more than 2.5 petabytes of information, which is equivalent to approximately 1 trillion pages of standard text. The domestic solution will provide high-speed search and retrieval of documents, storage expansion capabilities, and stable performance.

"Object data storage is a unique digital transformation project. The transition to centralized storage of information ensures greater reliability, fault tolerance and security of processes. Currently, the organization has more than 480 information systems, 150 of which have increased requirements for availability and security. Therefore, it is important to minimize the risk of failure or unavailability of the information you work with. DOM.RF Group continues the systematic replacement of foreign components of the IT infrastructure with Russian analogues. At the moment, the share of Russian software and equipment exceeds 63%," said Nikolay Kozak, Managing Director for IT and Digital Transformation at DOM.RF.

This solution also makes it easy to increase productivity as your business grows and provides high flexibility in data management.

"This project meets the requirements of DOM.RF, taking into account that the customer's policy on ensuring disaster-resistant data storage places information in three geographically separated points. This system is well suited to solving this problem due to the built-in mechanism for replicating objects between nodes. In addition, replication rules can be set flexibly, ensuring the necessary level of protection and performance when working with stored information," says Pavel Egorov, YADRO Product Director.

DOM.RF plans to switch to domestic production of software and hardware starting in 2021. The share of Russian software in the group's infrastructure already exceeds 70% on average, and the cost share of the solution exceeds 92%. In addition, the DOM.RF group uses 37 thousand units of equipment, more than half of which have already been replaced with Russian analogues.

Source: "Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом"Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом

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