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St. Petersburg entered the top ten regions in terms of material well-being of the population

The northern capital recorded a rate of 83.30 points, which is 3.27 points more than a year ago. Leningrad Region ranks 43rd (47.48), Moscow – 8th (86.58).

When calculating the rating, we took into account the ratio of the median income of the population to the fixed cost of consumer goods and services and the ratio of average monthly deposits and other funds attracted from banks by individuals per capita.

We also took into account the share of the population with an income below the poverty line, the share of families that can afford to buy an apartment with a mortgage, and the share of the population with an income of more than 60,000 rubles per month.

Experts note that positive trends are emerging in most regions of the Russian Federation, which is mainly due to the growth of population incomes. In particular, the average per capita income of the entire population of the country increased by 11% in 2023.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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