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Muscovites warned about the arrival of the first snowfall

Forecaster Shuvalov: The first snow is expected in Moscow on the night of October 15.

The first snow is expected in Moscow on Tuesday evening, October 15. Alexander Shuvalov, head of the Meteorological Forecasting Center, told TV channel 360 about this.

It will simply pulverize the earth. The snow cover will be 1-2 cm and will melt the next day. The next expected precipitation will occur on the weekend of October 20, forecasters said.

Shuvalov emphasizes that the current cold wave will not be compensated for even by a prolonged summer. The meteorologist believes that Russians will not suffer even in winter. "The temperature is still close to climate standards or slightly exceeds them. Therefore, it cannot be said that this winter is really cold. However, these forecasts came true as winter approached," he said.

Shuvalov had previously warned Muscovites that Monday, October 14, would be the coldest day since the beginning of autumn. Experts explain that such forecasts were made as a result of the North Atlantic cyclone Helma. It will bring cloudy weather, wind, rain and sleet.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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