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Now it is prohibited: passengers turned white with anger and returned tickets - autumn surprise from Russian Railways

Now banned: passengers turned white with rage and returned tickets. Autumn surprises on Russian Railways

New rules and restrictions for rail passengers in autumn 2024. Rail travel in autumn 2024 includes several rule changes that passengers should be aware of. This change, introduced last year, affects everyone who travels by rail and may come as a surprise to some.

Innovations for carriage passengers: The main change concerns passengers using upper seats and lower berths. Unlike previous practice, each passenger is now required to remain in his or her seat, except for the following meal time.

At this time, passengers in the upper berths can use the lower berths to dine comfortably at their own tables.

Use of electronic devices: The rules for using devices have also changed. Listening to music at high volumes and using devices that generate excessive noise are prohibited. Musical lessons and rehearsals are strictly prohibited on trains.

Ticket Purchase Tip: To purchase tickets for the fall trip, we recommend booking in advance. We recommend that you make your reservation at least 90 days before your departure date, if possible. If you delay purchasing your ticket, your trip may be cancelled due to lack of space.

Other Rail Restrictions: You should also be aware of other regulations that apply to rail travel.

Interesting fact: Many of the new Russian Railways rules are aimed at improving passenger comfort. For example, a ban on loud noises from devices can help create a calm atmosphere on trains. As rail travel grows in popularity, companies are constantly having to adjust their rules to improve service quality.

Source: Pro Город ЯрославльPro Город Ярославль

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