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"There was a smoky smell": Evgeniya Osipova told how she overheated in the bathhouse

Evgeniya Osipova: “It happened in a public steam room. This procedure is called subpar, and ordinary users call it subpar. At any moment they herd women into the steam room, cover them with sheets, put on hats and pray. And I still think: “What are they praying for?” Then the door closes, the steamer comes in, the women lie down on the floor, and the water starts flowing endlessly over the hot stones. The steamer takes a wet towel and starts throwing this tin can into the air...

I felt like I had done something so bad in my life that I was in hell. It felt like the temperature was 1000 degrees Celsius! Your skin cracks, your airways burn, your mucous membranes dry out, and your eyes feel watery. I wanted to leave, but they said, "Don't open the door, don't move!" So I ran out of there and immediately jumped into an ice bath in a sheet and this hat, and there was smoke coming out of me, not steam. I swear! And then all these women came out. In other words, they had been "smoking" longer than I had. Well, it really smelled like smoke.

Source: НТВ.ru - Новости, видео, прямой эфир телеканала НТВНТВ.ru - Новости, видео, прямой эфир телеканала НТВ

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