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Shnurov recorded a scandalous song about Instasamka, and her fans destroyed the store: celebrity news of the week

— I’m currently filming a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan. A huge amount of work and money has been put into it, because Hollywood knows that it doesn’t exist. I’m motivated to do it cost-effectively and efficiently. Because, roughly speaking, you can carve out a niche and become Disney. It will be world-class quality. It’s all done in such a way that it takes four months to make one costume, and six months to make another. A huge task! But some people won’t do that. He just takes a sack of potatoes from the local theater and passes it off as a costume. That also exists. The director of the “Special” channel on YouTube said, “Sometimes I see content like that.”

— I counted the time from my youth to the beginning and watched it from beginning to end in one breath. Participation in such a wonderful project is a very important step in my life. This is a big point of growth, both professional and emotional. For me, it was a way to get out of my comfort zone. Because up to this point, I had never worked as a host." quotes the actress as saying:

- I left, sorry. There was a huge crush. First of all, it was unsafe for small children and everyone else. I hope we will be able to see what we couldn’t do today at TVOE because of the big crowd. I love you, thank you for coming today. It was nice to meet you all, hugs. Again, sorry for leaving so early. I couldn’t have done it any other way.” Instasamka wrote on her Telegram channel:

According to law enforcement agencies, the court banned Guf from visiting the bathhouse and ordered him to wear an electronic bracelet on his leg, since it would be easy for the rapper to escape. In addition, a criminal case was opened under the article on robbery with the use of violence, and for stealing a phone, a person can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to seven years. There were also reports of minor acts of violence.

— Sometimes he has exacerbations. For you, this is the same Alik, and sometimes you may find it funny. But for his family and friends, this is a disease that we have been fighting for many years. The recent exacerbation led to the initiation of a criminal case, and after the court's decision, Lesha realized what he had done and went to the hospital. At present, he does not "hang out or perform" anywhere, as many media outlets wrote, publishing old photos. He is currently undergoing a full examination and treatment at the Svoboda clinic in Moscow. All reliable information is published here. "Don't believe the rumors." quotes Olga:

— Lesha Guf is the kindest person on earth, but he was very sick. Congenital diseases, a difficult childhood and illegal drug use led to serious health problems. Now that I watch him and talk to him every day and know that he continues to go crazy without using anything, I can say for sure that he suffers from bipolar disorder. He urgently needs specialized medical care and treatment. However, you cannot put him in a hospital without his consent. Everyone around can laugh, laugh and be ashamed of him! And the man is sick! Very sick! And we cannot help him! Such is the law! — quotes Aiza:

"I hope he hasn't rotted too much, and I hope there's still something good left in him." If Veronica humiliates herself publicly and makes up something with her clearly not very healthy head, we all roll our eyes at it, but if she humiliates children, including special ones, then it's a complete disgrace! For me, this is the height of cynicism and cruelty. This is extremely low and inhumane," quotes the TV presenter as saying.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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Y a la edad de 11 años participó en su primer concurso de belleza en su ciudad natal de Nizhnevartovsk y obtuvo el primer lugar. Realmente disfruté el proceso, la preparación, el éxito y el hecho de haber encontrado una chica nueva. Luego me interesé por el campo de la belleza y la moda. Fui a una escuela de modelos, participé en sesiones fotográficas creativas y volé a la Semana de la Moda de Moscú.

Este año decidí volver al casting con una amiga. Ella me dijo lo siguiente: "¡Ve! Es tuyo". Se realizó un casting abierto en un centro comercial de Moscú. De 200 a 250 participantes, solo 10 fueron seleccionados y entraron entre los 10 primeros para la selección final. y emocionante ¡Estoy realmente agradecido a mi amigo por el apoyo!

A mediados de septiembre, 50 participantes se reunieron para la conferencia. Me dijeron qué esperar de la competencia. Y ese mismo día nos enviaron a un maravilloso complejo en la región de Moscú, donde estudiamos con nuestros profesores durante tres semanas, nos preparamos para la final y nos convertimos en un equipo más unido.

Comíamos tres comidas equilibradas al día y usábamos la piscina y el gimnasio. Vivíamos según un horario estricto. Todas las lecciones y preparativos desde la mañana hasta la noche se programaron minuto a minuto y requirieron disciplina y puntualidad. Pero estaba muy emocionado. Estas tres semanas no fueron suficientes y no quería irme.

Las chicas resultaron ser muy amigables. Yo mismo soy una persona libre de conflictos y las luchas me devastan. Tampoco hubo signos de hostilidad entre los demás participantes. Y en cualquier equipo ocurren pequeños malentendidos. Lo más importante es solucionar el problema correctamente. Estamos en constante comunicación con las chicas. También encontré un amigo, y esto es lo más valioso.

Mi principal objetivo era representar adecuadamente a la ciudad. Cuando empezaron a aparecer artículos sobre mí en Miss Rusia, al principio no pensé que recibiría mucho apoyo. Pero todo resultó diferente. Fui publicado en decenas de páginas públicas locales, me escribieron amigos, conocidos y hasta completos desconocidos. ¡Esto es realmente genial! El apoyo de sus compatriotas es verdaderamente uno de los mejores momentos de la competición.

También hubo mensajes de odio, sin los cuales era imposible. Personalmente nunca escribieron que yo era indigna o fea o que era una escort. Me enviaron una carta diciendo que era demasiado mayor y parecía tener 30 años.

En las competiciones estábamos mentalmente preparados para ello. Soy sensible y tengo mucha empatía, por eso tenía miedo de que ese odio me rompiera. Pero para ser honesto, no tuve tiempo de leer los comentarios durante la competencia. A veces, sólo los amigos comparten cosas divertidas de los que odian.

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