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In intermittent tones

As part of the Road 2024 exhibition in Yekaterinburg, traffic police officers and road workers are discussing how to solve the task set by the head of state to reduce road traffic fatalities by 1.5 times by 2030. The traffic police are advocating for engineering solutions that include more effective separation of oncoming traffic, more thorough development of intermittent markings, as well as the construction of rest areas for drivers and helipads for the evacuation of people injured in road accidents. Road workers are advocating for police measures that will punish them for exceeding the average speed and deprive them of the right to watch TV series while driving.

Plans to improve road safety were discussed during a panel discussion at the Road 2024 exhibition in Yekaterinburg. Let me remind you that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation and the state project Infrastructure for Life, the number of victims of road accidents should be reduced by 1.5 times to 97 thousand by 2030.

In this regard, the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Mikhail Chernikov, stated that it would be useful to think about engineering solutions to such problems as separating barriers for traffic flows, arranging pedestrian crossings and lighting, and building a helipad along the road. to evacuate victims from the road. Accidents occur in hospitals and driver rest areas. Mr. Chernikov suggested taking this into account in the new national project "Infrastructure for Life", the implementation of which will begin in 2025. The document has already been written, but has not yet been approved. This was reported by Kommersant.

"Road management authorities are ready to coordinate intersections with roads," said Transport Minister Roman Starovoit. But we need to reach an agreement with businesses so that they can come to the site (for recreation, gas). Station and multifunctional site - "Kommersant"). The minister asked the authorized representative of the Urals Federal District, Artem Zhoga, who was present, to establish "connections" with the region's businesses. Mr. Zhoga, who was recently appointed to this position, said that he drives a car and feels that there are not enough gas stations, and promised to work with the governor to solve this problem.

The fact is that most fatal accidents involving driving into the oncoming lane occur in these areas. Intermittent markings on roads are calculated according to GOST based on the speed limit on the section. Mr. Ponaryin explained his idea, but did not take into account that drivers actually drive 20 km/h faster because of the "non-fine". "Threshold. Such zones should be made more extensive, the word should be monitored, and if they are unsafe, they should not be created at all.

According to him, camera footage shows that drivers of heavy-duty trucks watch TV series on tablets while driving and, as a result, are held responsible for traffic accidents that result in human casualties. "For this (watching TV while driving - Kommersant), administrative punishment and deprivation of rights are necessary," Mr. Petushenko reasons.

Dmitry Leonov, Chief Engineer of the Federal Roads Department of the Lower Volga Rosavtodor, demanded that fines for exceeding the average speed be reinstated. Kommersant recalls that the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate has not issued them since 2021 due to objections from the Supreme Court, which has spoken about this several times. Dmitry Leonov explained that without this tightening, traffic cameras lose their meaning. This means that the driver in front of you slows down and continues to drive at an excess of the speed limit. He was supported by his colleague from the Federal Roads Department for the Volga Region, Kirill Vdovin, who also called for the abolition of the threshold for "non-fined" drivers (exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h). , There will be no order on the roads."

State Duma deputy (United Russia) Sergei Ten recalled that the bill on fines for average speed was previously submitted to the State Duma, but did not receive support from the government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He called the chances of the document being adopted in the near future "skeptical". In Russia, the punishment regime for traffic violators is "very soft", says Mikhail Blinkin, scientific director of the HSE Institute of Transport Economics, with a fine of 500 rubles (actually 250 rubles with the discount) a small increase in speed I did it.

Source: "Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом"Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом

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