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There's a lot to go crazy about in this world

He watched, compared, wondered... and was confused again. What was happening now was not what was supposed to happen, but quite the opposite. On the contrary, it was a mess. Lazy people spent their days leisurely, not sadly, happily dancing, simply hoping that their peace and well-being would not be destroyed. Truth seekers sought justice for everyone and for this they were criticized and punished by everyone, and workaholics were raped as lazy people and tried their best, but did not achieve a tolerable existence. A capricious idol, a so-called cultural figure, praised by public opinion, full of arrogance and a hypertrophied sense of his own importance, graciously applauding the public, imagining who knows what about him, but in fact showing nothing. himself. The country's arrogant and important leaders attributed to themselves enormous successes and achievements that were completely worthless and funny as caricatures, but equaled zero in a more or less objective assessment.

Earthquakes, hurricanes, accumulations of minerals beneath the crust of continents and oceans, the depths of coal, metals and oil deposits were perceived as absurd, ridiculous, anomalous and contradictory nonsense. Why shouldn't wealth be closer to the surface and more accessible?

The rising and falling walls of a once victorious and shamefully fallen civilization were shaken by the emptiness of a short-term explosion (of eternal proportions), and the outbreaks of war caused fear for the fate of humanity.

There is a problem. It is absurd. It is completely contradictory.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he was born with a curious mind. And he continued to uncover the secrets surrounding him.

He realized that for more mature and accurate conclusions (and further revelations about the insidious entity hiding its true face) he needed to look at the panorama from a different angle, preferably from above, so he turned to the cosmonaut corps. Taking off in his rocket, he wanted to put an end to the painful confusion once and for all. This deprives the disguised ball of the feeling of camouflage. The flight trajectory and the optimal angle of placement are calculated. Alas, the confusion that unfolded before my eyes did not clarify the picture, but only confused it even more and aroused my irrepressible interest with renewed vigor. It crept in: the purpose of the planets and their role among other astrological organs, undoubtedly interconnected with each other, are not at all what they seem in Pantalika. Its removal to absurd distances does not provide a complete understanding.

He voluntarily escaped from the orbital station, used the thief's shuttle ship, cruising along the star trajectory, for his own selfish purposes (i.e., he simply stole the apparatus) and broke away from the stationary platform to rise to the unattainable floating level I. walked. Where he froze, defeated and dejected: meteorite sparks fall to all ends of the universe, and comets phosphoresce into giant, blurry shapes. Something resembling arms, legs (or tentacles?), a head and a body flap and rub in space. loudly blow a trumpet

"Damn iron, useless old flint, crappy disposable lighter, I'm out of gas again, I can't smile no matter how much I shake, I'm shaking, if it misfires again, I'm shaking with rage . , I'm throwing it away! I probably would have thrown it away a long time ago, but I don't want to start again! "It's time to quit nicotine addiction!"

Through many years of selection, he instilled in them the genes of cleanliness, modesty and meticulousness. The experience was worth nothing. The transformed birds turned his balcony into a public toilet. Before they pooped in the street, now they fly to defecate. But the sidewalks were clean, people passing by were not afraid of slipping, there were no drops or flying excrement from above. The winged creatures with an awakened civic consciousness understood that it was wrong to litter and cause grief. But they absolutely did not want to think about their patron and breadwinner, who forced them to live according to the laws of reason and harmony.

Previously, there were occasional fights between the birds over old humps and handfuls of millet, and they became hasty and fussy in getting food and filling their bellies. And I witnessed something amazing. Sisaris walked decoratively through the streets and squares, bowing and bowing at the sight of grains or crusts of bread and offering them to an old man or a lady or a sick and weak comrade to snack on. I was able to refresh myself and regain my strength.

Complications also arose. If before the important event (acquisition of moral parameters) pigeons and doves copulated everywhere with great ease and noticeable pleasure, now they began to be embarrassed by animal manifestations, kept within the bounds of etiquette and did not tolerate the exchange of condescending or condescending words. I was afraid of sinister looks. , and as a result the number began to decrease.

One day he witnessed a touching tearful episode. A flock of pigeons gathered around a scattered corpse, like a bloody crucified corpse, to mourn their comrade who had been run over by a car. The joy of victory and the sadness shown by the bird touched the experimenter, and he burst into tears. It is implied that the poor are inconsolably grieving not only over their irreparable loss, but also over the fact that the reproduction of their offspring is steadily declining (due to increased cleanliness).

The collective farewell to the victims of the car crash he had witnessed was even more meaningful. His fellow tribesmen called the broken dove a victim of tyranny, declared it a saint, and then elevated it to the status of a god. Those who did not know that they were committing indecency were punished for the sins of the wicked. Their grave sins, their hatred and ruthlessness towards their neighbors can be called paganism.

The introduction to morality was felt by the beginnings of writing that arose after the pigeons of the microdistrict. Although they wrote with their feet worse than a chicken, the hieroglyphs they invented had such a figurative outline that it was impossible not to admire them. The metaphorical nature of the poetic language of pigeons.

But soon the happy community came to an end. Some cynical individuals, unwilling to be re-educated and skillfully hiding their true hawkish face for a while, began to secretly and openly torture and humiliate their comrades who had succumbed to humility, deprived them of food and mocked their obedience. They begged to attack the pigeons, increase the birth rate and correct the demographics by any means necessary. Before the raids, robberies and violence began, they sharpened their claws on the asphalt, learned to use barbed wire, sharp branches, pebbles and broken bottles as instruments of intimidation and coercion, and equipped their beaks with specially reinforced metal handles.

Anyone can build a time machine

You don't need an incredibly complex time machine. We don't need rovers that can travel vast distances for hundreds of years. Compact, short-range models will do. This is what he made from parts found in a dump.

What is this for? Not to rush through the centuries, to delve into the peculiarities of historical eras, not to penetrate into a bright tomorrow, but to solve pressing minor problems, so as not to make a mistake in today's everyday problems and deliberate deception.

For example, I made an appointment with a dentist. How do you know how competent, professional, and everything he is? Is he a good and valuable professional? It's very simple. Take a pickup truck, go back 10 years and observe. A lazy medical student hates oral examinations and skips lectures, but his parents force him to follow this inspiring path called "Golden Mine".

Or at a constituency meeting, the local MP pours out election promises and assurances, and the MP at a more important level repeats his support. Dear countrymen, let us harm ourselves, build roads, pave them with marble tiles and install. There is gas in every village house.

Having overcome the epidemic and drug addiction with bright prospects, he drove in a nondescript car, drove 10 years ahead and saw that there were no roads, no gasoline. I went back a few years and caught up with two sweet-voiced guys drinking vodka at the entrance.

Another example: a bank promised unimaginable dividends and asked for deposits. Before making this financial transaction, he left literally a week ago, and I heard the manager talking to the agent. "Fools fall for high interest rates." And then everything became clear. He did not invest his money in a pyramid.

Those who discovered his invention did their utmost to steal and destroy the wonder car. And they succeeded. And when the theft occurred, he felt relieved. It was hard to live in such a limousine. Maybe it would have been better not to invent it. But the benefit of getting rid of empty illusions is undeniable. In this sense, not only did he not lose, he won. He learned to look into the past and the future. Imaginary. switched off. practically. It does not require great talent or skill. Anyone can do it.


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