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"Evictor" Who Deprived Dozens of Voronezh Residents of Their Homes Escapes Court

Dmitry Naumovsky, a defendant in a criminal case on "eviction", has fled from court. He has been declared wanted. This was reported by the press service of the Leninsky District Court. The defendant was not present at the hearing on October 15 and explained that the precautionary measures had been changed from awareness to non-exit from the place of detention. Now I want Naumovsky. The lawyer was unable to explain where his client was or provide any documents justifying his failure to appear. Earlier, the lawyer said that Naumovsky had Covid-19. Nevertheless, Judge Vladimir Batykov changed the measure of restraint.

'MY!' The main culprit of the scandal that arose during the investigation delayed the investigation in various ways. I hoped that several episodes would be removed due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

There are 27 victims in the case against members of the Finmarket Chernozemye group. The total damage is currently estimated at 63.5 million rubles. There are still many cases of foreclosure on housing, but it is impossible to collect documentation for all of them.

One of the gang members, Rustam Abdulzakhirovich Nazari, was convicted a year ago of four home invasions. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 300,000 rubles. Nazari got off easy by agreeing to an investigation and returning the money to those who deceived him. I did not appeal.

Naumovsky has much more to face. In addition to 27 counts of fraud and attempted fraud, the indictment includes two more counts: That is, laundering of property acquired by criminal means on an especially large scale, and laundering of property acquired by a group by prior conspiracy (Article 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). This also includes falsification of financial documents of accounting and reporting of a financial organization by several persons by prior conspiracy (Article 172.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Let me remind you about this in the editorial office of the newspaper "MOE!" Deceived Voronezh residents began to contact in 2019, by that time "Finmarket Chernozemye" had been operating for 5 years. Here is the plan of the trick: When people discovered their disabled state (illness, problems with work), they came to OOO "Finmarket Chernozemye" and were promised a microloan. The contract was concluded with the general director Dmitry Naumovsky (most likely) or with another employee personally, and not with a legal entity. The man mortgaged his only home. Why? And they slipped him a piece of paper about the "redemption" to sign. They tell you, pay money and get a "refund" for the apartment ("refund"). But this was, of course, an obvious deception. The interest rates were exorbitant, the victims accumulated huge debts, and the good "creditors" with a clear conscience went to court with claims for "confiscation of the mortgaged property". And they won honestly, within the framework of a voluntary agreement. The man became homeless.

For a long time, the police refused to initiate criminal cases, citing that the people themselves were to blame. They did not read what they signed. As a result, the deceived people were able to file lawsuits only in Moscow thanks to our publication. Incidentally, at the same time, President Putin fired the head of the Ministry of Justice, Vyacheslav Vorontsov, who had headed the investigative department of the Voronezh Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for almost five and a half years. Former clients of Finmarket Chernozemye LLC visited the thresholds of offices and reception areas of local governments more often than other important criteria. Fate depended on the will of General Vorontsov. In criminal cases.

Source: МОЁ! Online. Все новости ВоронежаМОЁ! Online. Все новости Воронежа

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