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An appeal to Kadyrov appeared on the Instagram of Arashukov, who is serving a life sentence

In the contract killing case, Arashkov faces life imprisonment at the end of 2022. RBC sources previously knew that he had been friends with Kadyrov for a long time and had fallen out over an attempt to eliminate a relative.

An appeal to the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov appeared on the Instagram page of former senator Rauf Arashukov, who is serving a life sentence (belongs to the Meta company; the company is recognized as extremist and banned in Russia). In it, the senator asks him for forgiveness and asks for help for his family.

"The first thing I wanted to say is to ask for forgiveness for all the mistakes I have made before you. I have never done anything intentionally. I have never done anything that could particularly upset or offend you. Allah is my witness. But this does not excuse me and my mistakes... I ask Allah to forgive me and admit my mistakes. May Allah forgive me," he wrote in the post.

The former senator also asked Kadyrov to "show mercy in this situation and help our family." "Insha'Allah, we know that no one can help us except You. My family and I will never forget the kindness and help you have repeatedly shown us," he wrote.

RBC asked Rauf Arashukov's lawyer for a comment. Arashukov is serving a life sentence, but his Instagram page continues to be updated. The previous post appeared in mid-June. Arashukov sent a congratulatory message to Muslim believers on Eid al-Adha.

According to RBC sources, Arashukov and Kadyrov have been friends since 2007. He even named one of his sons after the Chechen leader. Arashukov also often appeared on Kadyrov's Instagram, calling him his brother. "Arashukov Jr. began to follow Kadyrov everywhere. He shaved off his moustache, kept a beard, like the Chechens, and began to speak with a Chechen accent," one of RBC's sources said. It was Kadyrov who influenced the decision of the head of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Rashid Temrezov, to appoint Rauf to the Senate in 2016, a source close to the region's leadership said. Another acquaintance of the Arashukovs confirmed: "He acted as an intermediary between Temrezov and Rauf in order to make Rauf a senator." My friendship with Kadyrov lasted almost ten years. Until the moment when Arashukov Jr. tried to eliminate Ruslan Lechkhadzhiev, a distant relative of Kadyrov, the head of the North Caucasus branch of Rosavtodor, the source said. Four of RBC's sources claimed that the conflict ended with a meeting between Arashukov and Kadyrov's associates at the President Hotel on Yakimanka. According to them, State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov was also present. A source familiar with the investigation and a source in the Federation Council reported that Arashukov was beaten during the meeting. Two sources close to Delimkhanov claimed that Arashukov was simply "having a polite conversation without being beaten."

At the end of December 2022, the Moscow City Court sentenced Rauf and his father Raul Arashkov to life imprisonment on charges of criminal gang and contract killings.

According to investigators, the organized criminal group, which included the Arashukov clan and the head of the regional branch of Gazprom, operated in the North Caucasus for about 17 years. According to investigators, founder Raul Arashukov appointed his relatives to key positions in the gas industry, and then stole gas himself or on the instructions of his subordinates.

The court found Arashkov Jr. the murderer of Aslan Zhukov, vice-president of the public youth movement "Adyghe Khase" of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and adviser to the head of the republic Fral Shebzukhov pleaded guilty to the charges brought against him. Witness to the murder. The senator from Kabardino-Balkaria was detained during a meeting of the Federation Council on January 30, 2019. At that time, the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika and the head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin participated in his detention.

Source: РБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погодаРБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погода

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