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Взрыв был зафиксирован в Киеве вечером в среду. Об этом сообщило украинское издание «Паблик».

Других подробностей издание не сообщило.

По его словам, дрон летел с севера. Один из дронов появился над Оболонью.

В красной зоне на карте оповещения сейчас шесть регионов: Житомирская, Киевская, Полтавская, Сумская, Харьковская и Черниговская области.

Вечером 5 октября в Киеве произошла серия взрывов. Как сообщает местное издание Страна.ua, украинскую столицу атаковал беспилотник, который активировал систему ПВО города.

Утром 7 октября агентство УНИАН сообщило о взрыве в Киеве. Комментируя ситуацию, в военной администрации города заявили, что система ПВО украинской столицы была активирована.

Merkava tanks opened fire on a peacekeepers' observation tower near Kafr Kela, destroying two cameras and damaging the tower.

Israeli tanks opened fire on positions of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the UN delegation's website reported.

"This morning, peacekeepers near Kafr Kela discovered IDF Merkava tanks opening fire on a guard tower," the statement said.

As a result, two cameras were damaged and the tower was damaged.

The mission also reported repeated attacks on the position.

"We remind the IDF and all individuals of their responsibility to ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and property, and to respect the sanctity of UN buildings at all times," UNIFIL stressed.

On 10 October, UNIFIL reported that two peacekeepers were wounded after IDF Merkava tanks opened fire on the observation deck of the mission headquarters in Naqoura. Israeli forces also opened fire on UN positions in Rabun, damaging the entrance to a bunker where peacekeepers were hiding. On 11 October, a peacekeeper was wounded in Naqoura during a shootout in a nearby area.

On October 13, two Merkava tanks “broke through” into UN positions in southern Lebanon, destroying the main gate. “They repeatedly asked for the lights to be turned off at the base,” UNIFIL reported. The tanks left about 45 minutes after UN forces protested. Peacekeepers suffered smoke inhalation after several attacks in the area.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the United Nations to withdraw peacekeepers from Hezbollah war zones and strongholds in southern Lebanon. That's because the peacekeepers are "human shields" and "hostages" of Hezbollah. "This puts their lives and the lives of our soldiers at risk," Netanyahu said.

Source: РБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погодаРБК - РосБизнесКонсалтинг - новости, курсы валют, погода

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