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“We see the fascinating process of interaction of substances, we know the secrets of their transformation”

"I work in a lab and I know this is mine."

The laboratory technicians at the Research Institute of Hygienic Industry of JSC TAIF-NK can be compared to worker bees. These sweet, modest girls work around the clock according to their schedule, taking water and air samples, performing dozens of analyses, performing precise calculations and documentation.

Laysan Gayazova worked as a chemical analysis lab assistant immediately after graduating from the University of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining two years ago. N.V. Remaeva. The girl says that she chose the profession with her heart. According to her, her favorite subject at school was always chemistry.

— Chemical analysis lab technicians are almost magicians. We see fascinating processes of matter interaction and know the secrets of their transformations. It is for these miracles that I love this job. We must constantly develop, learn and move forward. “I work in a lab and I know that this is mine,” she emphasizes.

Laysan is a shift lab technician for chemical analysis. Regardless of the time of day, her workday begins approximately the same. First of all, when starting her shift, she checks the availability of solutions and the serviceability of the equipment, and gets acquainted with the records and orders in the journal. Then samples are taken from certain points.

"This morning I went to the local wastewater treatment plant to take samples from all stages of water treatment. Then she went back to work and began processing the information. Our lab has everything we need: test tubes, scales, chemical catalysts, reagents and a lot of equipment that may be unfamiliar to the average person. If we do calculations manually, we enter the data in a special journal," Laysan explained.

The quality of drinking water, natural water and wastewater is carefully monitored by specialists of the chemical analysis laboratory. Last year, specialists examined the aquatic environment about 3,500 times. In addition, sanitary and industrial laboratories monitor atmospheric conditions. Samples are taken outside the territory of the enterprise and sanitary protection zones. In 2023 alone, more than 40 thousand measurements, sampling and testing of the atmospheric environment were carried out here.

— In addition to our factories, each factory of the enterprise has its own laboratory for checking the quality of products. I want to say that water and air are also products, products for life. It is very important for all of us. Monitoring the environmental background and ensuring the reliability of the results of numerous measurements and samples is what our specialists do every day,” emphasized Aida Akhmadullina, head of the Research Institute of the Hygienic Industry.

In addition to environmental monitoring, laboratory workers are responsible for monitoring physical factors in the working environment. In other words, laboratory workers provide the company's employees with appropriate working conditions.

— The health of the entire team partially depends on the results of the study. In accordance with the plan of analysis and production control, our specialists measure the microclimate, noise, vibration, illumination, electromagnetic radiation parameters, electrostatic field strength and ionic composition of the air at workplaces at different times of the year. All this allows us to improve working conditions. We take measurements not only indoors, but also in installations, pumping and ventilation rooms. Last year, our laboratory technicians carried out more than 30 thousand measurements, sampling and testing for physical factors," Aida Akhmadullina emphasized.

Based on the results of the control, the laboratory staff draws up a report and sends it to the environmental protection department and the labor protection service for timely adoption of the necessary decisions. Everyone in the company is familiar with this information. If prerequisites for exceeding the standards arise, all necessary measures will be taken to normalize the situation.

"The laboratory technician enters the results into a special program, which automatically displays the excesses. Then the protocols are sent to specific departments, which are already developing action plans to improve working conditions and safety. After completing the work, we again receive an application from this department and go for a repeat inspection," added the director of the Institute of Sanitary Industry.

In total, over the last year, laboratory technicians have conducted about 75,000 studies. There is no doubt about the accuracy of the analysis results. The sanitary industry laboratory is equipped with the latest equipment from leading domestic and foreign manufacturers. This is the noise and vibration analyzer Assistant-TOTAL+, ion chromatograph DionexICS-5000, gas chromatograph Clarus, analytical scales, atomic absorption spectrometer PinAAcle, etc.

— Maintain equipment and perform analysis, calibration and adjustment. Each piece of equipment must be checked daily to ensure it is working properly. I have been working in this lab for the past 6 months. “Working in a female team gives me a unique feature, and I like it,” he said with a smile.

Since 2015, the laboratory has been included in the national part of the Unified Register of Certified Testing Laboratories of the Customs Union. In 2023, we successfully completed the procedure for expanding the scope of confirmation of competence and accreditation of water and air control facilities.

In addition to their primary responsibility for monitoring environmental conditions and the working environment, the laboratory staff also conducts environmental education. Experts visit schools to talk to children in an entertaining way about environmental conservation, the role of water in human life, and the impact of humans on water resources.

These classes are always a real treat for our young students. It's not every day that you get to see a real chemical show. After all, chemistry is not just the science of substances, it's a whole "industry of magical transformations."

Source: Реальное времяРеальное время

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