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Survival Instructor: Rescued in Sea of ​​Okhotsk Digested Himself

The rescue of a man who survived 67 days in the most difficult conditions can be called unique. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is famous for natural disasters. Storms, strong winds and rains are just some of the threats to life.

Pichugin's mental state was also attacked. "The whole tragedy is that Mikhail took his brother and son with him. First, his nephew died of hypothermia and dehydration, and then his father's trip in a rubber boat with two bodies of his relatives did the trick. It is truly a miracle that Pichugin survived in such conditions," Khalilov said.

At the same time, the expert emphasized that one should not forget about the preparedness of the person being rescued. Pichugin lived in harsh conditions and knew the rules of behavior at sea, but his weight was even more important. "Mikhail weighed 100 kg, but when he was rescued, he lost half of his weight. Without food, a person actually begins to digest food, which is called endogenous nutrition. In this regard, the greater the mass of a person, the longer he can live without food," Khalilov explained.

Their weight also helped them overcome the cold, one of the main dangers of the North Sea. Even in sub-zero temperatures, moisture, dampness, precipitation and wind can cause hypothermia, which can kill a person within a few days. According to one survival expert, Pichugin's greatly improved resistance to the cold was due to his large frame.

Speaking about the kind of breakdown that can occur in a person's psyche in conditions of severe hunger, Khalilov also drew attention to the threat of cannibalism. The expert reported that such thoughts can easily arise in people who find themselves in an extreme situation. "In every person," Khalilov said cautiously, "behind the thin shell of civilization lives a beast."

Experts noted that the rescue story is far from over. He stressed: "Mikhail's survival is not over, it will continue."

Returning to the specifics of the incident, the expert recalled that the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is an extremely harsh environment and Pichugin's drift occurred in the off-season, which is characterized by harsh weather conditions. Cold rain and wind often lead to death, and Mikhail's situation was aggravated by the fact that he was in an ordinary boat without a roof for more than two months. When asked where it is easier to survive in the tropical or monsoon climate of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk region, Khalilov confidently pointed to the first option.

"For example, even if a person gets wet in the rain, in the tropics he will be able to warm up, and his main task is to avoid the sun during the day. However, it is important to consider whether we are talking about land or water and snowy taiga. If I were asked to choose one thing, I would definitely go to the taiga, where in the cold you can move around, make a fire and build a shelter to warm up, but in the heat it is almost impossible. Cooling down with water is much more dangerous for a person," Khalilov said.

Survival expert Ilya Vanyukov shared with RG what should be taken into account when preparing for a trip on water.

Source: Российская Газета: издание Правительства РФРоссийская Газета: издание Правительства РФ

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