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"Eat it yourself!": Why do Russians refuse to buy red caviar?

In Russia, prices for red caviar have risen again. Compared to last year, the price increase has already reached 25%, and during the New Year holidays, prices for delicacies may rise by another 10% or more.

According to the head of the fisheries union, Alexander Panin, prices are rising for two reasons. Demand has increased, this year has been a non-fishing year, and even years have generally not been the most successful. In Russia, due to the peculiarities of the two-year cycle, salmon fishing is usually more successful in odd years.

The representative of the Fishing Union also reminded that the quantity of salmon caviar directly depends on the catch.

Others in the industry believe that by the new year, the remaining caviar stocks from last year may be completely exhausted. For now, prices may remain somewhat stable. But as stocks run low, the price of a bottle of the beloved delicacy will become prohibitively expensive for most Russians. No one can predict the exact price of caviar by the end of the year.

The businessmen's comments have caused outrage on social networks. Russians are convinced that businessmen are deliberately creating propaganda to increase demand and raise prices. And many believe that the "non-fishy" year is nothing more than a clever marketing ploy.

Some said that in this case they would give up red caviar altogether.

Many people do not understand the value of this highly hyped product.

Source: Городской портал 78.ruГородской портал

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