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Volodin asked the Ministry of Labor to justify the list of professions with benefits for migrants

The issue concerns a list of professions for which one can obtain a residence permit in Russia in a simple way. In addition, the State Duma speaker announced the adoption of five laws toughening the penalties for illegal migration.

State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has asked the Russian Ministry of Labor to justify the list of professions for which residence permits are issued to foreigners in a simplified manner.

I will tell you about the Order of the Ministry of Labor of 2023. According to the Chairman of the State Duma, this raises questions.

The list is long. There are many positions in the medical profession: from paramedics to surgeons, teachers, lecturers to deans, pharmacists, workers in agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agro-food industry, geology and nuclear energy, IT specialists, journalists, builders, repairmen and engineers.

Business FM asked representatives of different professions whether they need immigrants.

— There is a real shortage of doctors. These are primary care doctors for both outpatient and inpatient treatment. General practitioner, general practitioner, pediatrician. One of the mechanisms to compensate for the shortage of doctors is to attract labor migrants. However, it should be understood that the selection criteria for medical specialties are quite strict. We are talking not only about simplified entry of doctors into the territory of the Russian Federation, but also about their ability to meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Health for specialization and the quality of services provided. Therefore, it is important to take these two points into account. One of them really simplifies your admission, but you will in no way lose the level of medicine, from knowledge of the Russian language to national recommendations for the treatment of various diseases. If you follow all these points, you will not have any problems. — Medical specialties require a fairly long period of study. It takes at least eight years to train a doctor. Financially, this is not the most attractive specialty, so, unfortunately, young people choose simpler and faster paths to financial well-being than the medical field. The second point is, of course, that we are talking about the fact that older people are leaving, and the youth are not replacing them. We should not forget that the Russian Federation is expanding the subjects of the Russian Federation that need medical personnel, and the need for doctors is growing. Thirdly, people often choose narrow areas, such as dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology, plastic surgery. Another important area is health care personnel planning. It is necessary to increase the number of budget places in the direction of the goal. At present, attracting immigrants is an emergency measure to overcome the gap. "Everything is fine. We can do without immigrants." If they go, it is important that they are ordinary people, speak Russian and behave decently. This has not yet been observed in agro-industrial complexes. No one is waiting for them here. - Maybe among them there are qualified specialists who know Russian? - Nothing yet. We must teach them, we must do this, and not open the gates to Russian territory. I am categorically against this. — Teachers have problems, but there are not enough of them. There are many primary school teachers and many English teachers, but very few mathematicians, physicists, chemists and biologists. And there are much fewer IT teachers, we are literally looking for them. There were no migrant teachers in Moscow schools. If a good teacher suddenly appears in a friendly country, we will gladly accept him. Especially if he is a physics or mathematics teacher, and especially if he is a Russian-speaking teacher. In Kazakhstan, teachers are very competent, including in the field of exact sciences. There was a very large project in Kazakhstan. They trained very strong, serious teachers,who were very professionally prepared – how to solve the problem of staff shortage. For example, in Moscow, the salaries offered are higher than those of competitors. The number of student places in teacher training colleges is increasing. – Do you think the shortage of Russian specialists, especially teachers, will increase? If we find them, should we replace them with migrants? “I’m not sure how this will compensate for them.” There is a much less complicated way to supplement this.

According to Volodin, this week the State Duma plans to consider several bills in the sphere of migration policy in the first reading. Responsibility for illegal migration should be increased.

Source: - деловой портал - деловой портал

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