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Putin Proposes State Duma to Ratify Strategic Partnership with DPRK

Moscow, October 14, FederalPress. Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a bill to the State Duma on ratification of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. This document is available in the electronic database of the State Duma.

The agreement was signed on June 19 during President Vladimir Putin's visit to Pyongyang. It is intended to replace the previous Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighborliness and Cooperation, signed on February 9, 2000.

According to the new agreement, the document comes into force from the moment of the exchange of ratification instruments and will be valid indefinitely. The fourth article of the treaty stipulates that in the event of an armed attack by another state or several states on one of the participants, the second participant is obliged to immediately provide military and other assistance by any possible means.

As Volodymyr Zelensky noted earlier, North Korea reportedly sided with Russia and participated in the fighting in the war against Ukraine.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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