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FAS ordered MTS to pay 3 billion rubles of illegally obtained income to the budget and reduce tariffs

Moscow, October 14, FederalPress. The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has ordered the Digital Services Ecosystem of PJSC MTS to pay 3 billion rubles in illegally obtained income to the budget. This is stated in the FAS press release.

According to the press service, in April and May 2024, the antimonopoly service recorded an average growth of 8% in the company's cellular services. The increase affected more than 30 million subscribers.

The FAS did not find any economic justification for such an increase in tariffs and recognized it as a violation of competition protection legislation, since the increase in the cost of communication violated the interests of consumers.

Now operators will have to not only transfer illegally obtained income to the budget, but also reduce tariffs for subscribers who had to pay higher tariffs.

Earlier, FederalPress wrote that the FAS had uncovered a cartel agreement worth more than 827 million rubles in transactions in the Mari El Republic, the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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