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Good news for slobs: doctors have allowed you not to iron your clothes — even baby diapers (but there are some nuances)

It is impossible to count how many copies were broken during ironing. The older generation considers housewives who neglect the iron to be careless. But young people are not ready to spend much time even on ironing a bedspread. Today, we are working together with doctors to put an end to this pressing problem. As always, there were subtle differences. Read more in the materials of our colleagues from NGS.RU.

Should you iron your bed linen for health reasons?

- There is good news for those who do not like ironing. From a medical point of view, this activity does not have much significance. Regular washing in a washing machine is enough to destroy germs on household fabrics, underwear and clothes. And indeed, there can be many such things! - the doctor noted.

What diseases can be present in underwear, etc.?

Most respiratory viruses, including the one that causes COVID-19, don’t live long on bedding, towels or clothing, surviving only a few days. Studies have shown that they are killed faster when washed with detergent, even in cold water. However, many disease-causing bacteria, including salmonella and staph, persist in fabrics for weeks. To destroy it, a thorough machine wash at temperatures above 60 degrees is necessary.

"The same applies to mycobacteria, fungi and enteroviruses that cause hepatitis A, adenovirus and rotavirus infections. Although it is extremely resistant to the environment, it does not withstand many hours of washing in hot water. This is enough," explained Alexandra Fileva.

Therapist Maria Mezenova warns that contamination of clothing with dust or animal hair particles can cause an allergic reaction in the owner or his relatives. Poor hygiene can also lead to the active growth of certain types of bacteria and mold.

— Bed linen, underwear, clothing contaminated with vomit, other biological fluids or feces should be washed immediately. Do not store the product in a dirty laundry basket or in a washing machine for a long time. It is dark and damp there, an excellent environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, emphasized dermatologist and medical specialist Alexandra Fileva. Hemostasis Laboratory.

But there is an important nuance. Washing really helps clean the laundry if the washing machine itself is clean. The doctor added that there is one small but very interesting study. The authors studied 70 household washing machines and found pathogens of fungal diseases, including candidiasis, in 79% of them. Therefore, you need to carry out preventive cleaning of the washing machine itself from time to time. Then you can free up some time for yourself by giving up ironing.

Modern detergents contain many ingredients that can be harmful to your health, including surfactants, phosphates, optical brighteners, and chlorine. They cause allergic reactions that can manifest as skin irritation and rashes, and in severe cases, provoke asthma attacks, leading to Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. The dermatologist also added that some household chemicals can accumulate in the body and harm the liver, lungs, and other internal organs and systems.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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