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Kazan residents choose the most crime-ridden area for night walks

When choosing a place to live, a modern city dweller thinks not only about real estate prices, but also about where their children will grow up and study, how they will work and where they will relax. At the same time, questions of safety and comfort arise both inside and outside the house. The analytical agency Promating found out in which areas Kazan residents of different ages and genders feel most comfortable and by what criteria they evaluate safety.

Glukhov explained that the safety rating of the Kazan region is formed on the basis of responses from active users of social networks. At the same time, the authors of the study tried to maintain the classic representativeness of the sample by gender and age. These proportions within the group of respondents, as a rule, correspond to the actual proportions registered in the city.

Surprisingly, but true, in the perception of Kazan residents, as a reason to consider the territories safe for living, the cleanliness of the streets takes an honorable 5th place in the rating of signs of a safe city and the presence of parks. Green spaces took fourth place after a lower crime rate and the provision of night-time video surveillance and lighting. Road safety also took only sixth place on this list, but the low probability of getting hit by a car seems much more important than the availability of ample opportunities to walk in the fresh air and the absence of garbage on the sidewalks.

"The four districts that follow Vakhitovsky in the ranking have almost identical scores," said Anton Glukhov. "This represents a high level of homogeneity in the context of security. And at the bottom, as expected, was the working-class suburb.

Indeed, more than a quarter (27.8%) of respondents made a choice in their favor. And the aircraft manufacturing district and the Kirov district, as expected, were considered the most unsafe districts. 3.4% and 3.9% of survey participants "voted" for their region, respectively.

At the same time, more than 47% of respondents indicated that they are ready for night walks in the Vakhitovsky district, about a quarter in Sovetsky and Privolzhsky, a fifth in Novo-Savinovsky and only 6.5% and seven.% - in Aviastroitelny and Kirovsky.

Additionally, experts say that when many people talk about safety, they mean a reasonably comfortable space. Today, she says, comfort has become less of a safety issue for many people.

— People pay attention to what is most important to them, regardless of the question posed.

Aleksandrova also noted that guests’ admiration for, for example, well-kept parks and clean streets, may remain in the minds of respondents and influence their choice of answer.

The same applies to the cleanliness of the street space. Dust and garbage are associated with disorder, neglect and, therefore, danger.

Galina Aleksandrova was surprised by how important Kazan residents consider the presence of warning and evacuation systems, which rank 19th out of 24 safety factors. However, she believes that this is the result of the fact that few people fully understand its importance.

More than a third of the men surveyed gave the palm to the Vakhitovsky District in all respects. Among women, there was not even a quarter.

"It is interesting that men have a more positive attitude towards the Vakhitovsky district than women," Glukhov said. "I still do not understand what caused this phenomenon.

It was also found that women were much less decisive in defining their priorities. Almost a third of them found it difficult to answer, and only 17% of men doubted their choice.

But the representatives of the weaker sex felt the worst in the aircraft manufacturing zone.

Most of the people with the best opinion of the Vakhitovsky district were young, but not young, people aged 23 to 35. Older generations spoke more cautiously, and those aged 18 to 22 felt the least safe there (but they felt much less safe in other parts of Kazan, with a third of them unable to name a safe district at all).

But in Aviastroy and Kirovsky districts, only a small number of middle-aged people feel safe. And few young people feel comfortable there.

"We are all hostages of our ideas," says Anton Glukhov. "Our world remains the way we imagined it, but new generations come and repaint their picture. And for people whose perception was formed 20-30, 40 years ago, the center is still the safest, and "Zilka", for example, where the "90s Train" is heading, is a very dangerous place. At the same time, young people can encounter signs of street crime in some places, and not in others, and form ideas based on this.

Anton Glukhov emphasized: Most respondents believe that Kazan is a safe city overall, and only certain streets are problematic, most often on the outskirts. Moreover, one and the same street is often considered dangerous by some respondents, while unsafe by others.

"The perception of the city, its strengths and weaknesses, plays an important role in the development of society," says the founder of the information agency "PromRating." - In a specific context, it does not matter whether there are actually fewer robberies in the Vakhitovsky district than in Aviastroitelny. However, if people are sure of this, they will rely on their feelings when making decisions, including economic ones, about buying real estate, developing a business or attracting tourists. And economic decisions can fundamentally transform cities.

He pointed out that society's awareness of the real process may lag, precede, or proceed in parallel, but in any case, it would be extremely short-sighted not to take this into account.

Safin emphasized that even in areas that were traditionally considered less safe, every home has a video camera, and residents know about it and understand that law enforcement agencies have a high level of control. Therefore, he does not believe that the safety ratings of urban districts can have a significant impact on demand and sales of housing, and, consequently, on the development of the developer.

What is it really like?

Realnoe Vremya found out how Kazan residents' perception of the level of safety in certain areas of the city is related to data on actual safety. According to the Kazan Department of Internal Affairs, the most criminal region in 2023 was the Sovetsky District, the second safest region from the point of view of residents. The second safest region in terms of air traffic control is aircraft manufacturing. Here, the mood of citizens coincides with the data from crime reports.

This is quite logical, as a Kazan police officer who agreed to comment anonymously on the situation explained to Realnoe Vremya. Since the Vakhitovsky District has the highest concentration of entertainment, "fun companies" are concentrated there, and therefore the city residents have more conflicts both with themselves and with the law.

According to law enforcement officials, the Volga region was the safest region in 2023.

Source: Реальное времяРеальное время

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