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Wiretapping device found in office of arrested Sverdlovsk mayor. Photos, video

Before the arrest of Artemovsky Mayor (Sverdlovsk Region) Konstantin Trofimov on charges of bribery, security forces seized wiretapping materials from his desk. This happened right at a meeting of the city administration. The official's daughter Elizaveta told URA.RU about this.

"At the end of June, security forces came to my father's workplace. And during the meeting, they removed the listening devices. This happened in front of my colleagues. I don't know how wiretapping could have appeared there. We wrote an appeal to the prosecutor's office about this," the source said. The Sverdlovsk Investigative Committee is not commenting on this topic. Elizaveta believes that her father is innocent. He was accused of receiving 3 million rubles and a water heater for his connivance. "He did not take bribes. And the story about the water heater is also interesting. He bought it and installed it himself. "I also have a receipt," said Elizaveta Trofimova, showing the check.

She learned of her father's arrest on social media the same day (September 18). "I think [the security forces] specifically chose that day, Wednesday, because there was a meeting with media representatives at the mayor's office at that time. "They especially wanted to detain him in front of journalists, so that information could quickly appear from anywhere." According to her, the persecution of her father began in March.

As URA.RU has already reported, strange events around Trofimov began several weeks before his arrest. At the end of June, a neighbor called him and reported that five strangers in civilian clothes had caused a pogrom in his apartment in Kopeysk (Chelyabinsk region), breaking down the door. It turns out that agents were conducting a search. However, Trofimov's family did not receive any reports or notifications.

And the next day, Trofimov discovered a bugged video camera on the stairs opposite his apartment. An appeal to law enforcement agencies on this matter yielded no results. Details about the criminal case are in the URA.RU story.

Source: URA.Ru - Российское информационное агентствоURA.Ru - Российское информационное агентство

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