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Novosibirsk has appointed a Minister of Construction: what is known about him

Novosibirsk, October 14, FederalPress. There have been personnel changes in the Novosibirsk Region government. Deputy Minister of Regional Construction Dmitry Bogomolov has been promoted. This was announced by the region's governor Andrei Travnikov at a management meeting.

Dmitry Bogomolov was appointed Deputy Minister of the Novosibirsk Region in December 2022. His predecessor, Minister of Construction Alexey Kolmakov, was excluded from the Novosibirsk Region government after his resignation. First Deputy Minister of Regional Construction Dmitry Timonov has been appointed acting head of the department.

Let us recall that in Novosibirsk, after the cancellation of preferential mortgages and the change in their conditions, demand for new buildings fell by 81%.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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