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Main news of Yaroslavl for October 13: crazy doctor, twin boom

Yaroslavl, October 13, 2024. These autumn days, the city discusses various topics related to personal and social issues. A doctor from Yaroslavl shared tips on how to identify mental disorders that can be useful to many people. Meanwhile, city residents are actively discussing the rules of yellow buses and sharing experiences and advice. The city says goodbye to the hero of the Northern Military District, whose honesty and frankness left an indelible mark on the hearts of others. Yaroslavl is seeing a boom in the birth of twins, which has become a pleasant surprise for local families. But not all the news is so optimistic. Residents of the Pyatsky District discovered a "rat kingdom" near one of their schools, which has caused concern and required immediate action.

The region's top psychiatrist has spoken about the symptoms of a loved one's mental disorder. Warning signs include sudden changes in behaviour, sleep problems, involuntary aggression or withdrawal symptoms. If you cannot be persuaded to see a doctor, a relative can come to the initial consultation to discuss the situation and possible treatment. Read more...

The author of the post on the social network made an unusual request: to teach him how to use public transport, since he had not ridden a bus for a long time. Yaroslavl residents responded actively and offered various ways to pay for business trips: travel tickets, bank cards and mobile applications. Most advised using a bank card as the easiest and most convenient way to pay on modern buses. Read more...

Anton Sergeevich Gusev died in the line of military service during a special military operation on December 24, 2022. On October 14, a civil funeral service will be held in the Konstantinovsky public and cultural complex in honor of the deceased. Relatives remember Anton as a responsible, principled and fair person who was the first to defend his homeland. Read more...

In Yaroslavl, a record 72 twin births have been recorded over the past nine months. Local residents attribute this phenomenon to the growing popularity of the IVF procedure, which increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies. This news has generated great interest among Yaroslavl residents and has become one of the main topics of discussion in the local media. Read more...

A resident of Yaroslavl discovered a large concentration of rats and pigeons near a school in Pyaterka. In a short period of time, he counted 17 rats, which caused concern among local residents. City residents are discussing the problem on social networks, noting that rodents have appeared in other parts of the city, and suggesting different ways to combat them. Read more...

Source: Pro Город ЯрославльPro Город Ярославль

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