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MGIMO Rector Anatoly Torkunov: Without creativity it is impossible to prepare a specialist who can work on large projects

Anatoly Vasilyevich, let's start with what worries society. There are debates about whether the terms of study in schools and universities should be shortened. What is your opinion?

Anatoly Torkunov: We studied for 10 years and fully mastered the program. In the end, I passed literature, Russian language, biology, physics, mathematics and geometry. We were fully prepared for student life. So I think that 10 years is a completely normal period of study.

However, the practice varies from country to country. Somewhere after school, they study for another 8-9 years. People enter the labor market at the age of about 30. Russia had such a tradition, too. Remember Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard"? There was Pyotr Trofimov, the "eternal student". He already had bald spots, but he still could not find himself. Young people today are still more active. This is a very sensitive issue. Because here everything is tied to the curriculum.

What worries me? I talked to parents of applicants, and they were almost unanimous: In the 11th grade, everyone stops working according to the school curriculum. Everyone studies only those subjects that are necessary for admission to college.

But my deepest conviction is that no matter what university you go to, having a universal foundation is crucial to applying your knowledge to the realities that define today's job market and to becoming a sought-after professional. In any case, focusing on two or three subjects will not work, as much of what you learn needs to change every five years. People must always learn.

How is the teaching of the new history textbooks going in secondary and primary schools? What is your reaction?

Anatoly Torkunov: Based on the materials from history textbooks for grades 10-11, I already took the Unified State Exam this year and passed it well.

To the delight of the authors of my team, the textbook received generally positive reviews. I spoke with many children, including the winners of this year's All-Russian History Olympiad, who highly rated this publication.

Foreign critics are trying to prove that the textbook has missed some important dramatic moments. No events, even tragic ones, are "hushed up" there.

In the 11th grade, everyone stops working according to the school curriculum. Everyone studies only those subjects that are necessary for entering college.

What about textbooks for grades 5-9?

Anatoly Torkunov: We are currently testing this in schools. We will collect proposals until December and make changes if necessary. Changes and amendments are stipulated in the contract with the publisher. We are responsible for monitoring and promptly making additions and amendments taking into account the opinions of experts and students. This is the most important thing.

Textbooks are an important tool. But the teacher still works with them. Textbooks for middle and primary schools contain numerous links, QR codes to documents, films (documentaries and novels) and books. All this will help to prepare and learn the material, and also to interest children even more.

Last year my grandson graduated from school. It was already clear that the theme of patriotism would be clearly expressed in the Unified National Exam. And we looked at almost everything related to patriotic themes in literature and cinema. Kataev, Sholokhov, and Simonov. We saw the best films made on these topics: "Two Captains", "They Fought for the Fatherland", "Liberation" and others.

He said that at some point, in order to enter MGIMO, he took additional classes only in English. Now school graduates hire teachers for almost every subject taken on the Unified State Exam. Is it possible to enter MGIMO without a tutor?

Anatoly Torkunov: Of course, you can. People take the Unified State Exam, not the entrance exam. I think it is pointless to chase after university teachers, as we did before. If you need help preparing for the Unified State Exam, you will need to work more actively with school teachers.

I understand that in some schools teachers give extra classes and the school pays for them as part of its extra educational services. This is completely normal.

Why did I study English additionally? It was impossible to do without it before. There were two lessons a week at school, 40 students in a class... And the exam at MGIMO was very difficult and the competition was huge. In other subjects, I turned to my school teachers if I needed advice, and stayed after classes.

So why is everyone hiring teachers today?

Anatoly Torkunov: It seems that parents are covering their bases here. Universities usually have preparatory courses. Come and get busy. For example, we conduct small group, almost individual training sessions.

But parents can understand. We are all parents, we want to do everything possible for our children, we spare neither money nor effort. But often we do not spare the children's efforts either. Imagine this. A child in high school plays sports twice a week, three times a week with a teacher, homework is still there.

But of course we have to be ready. I host the program "Presidency" on Russian public television, which brings together university rectors from all over the country. More than 40 programs have already been released. Let's be honest: many college administrators complain about school readiness.

MGIMO is 80 years old, 32 of them have been rectors. What significant changes have occurred in the university itself and its approach to diplomatic education?

Anatoly Torkunov: Diplomatic education has always been universal. Today, the STEM approach to education is becoming very popular, as it relies on several fundamental areas, including science, technology, engineering and mathematics. MGIMO was once created on the same principles, only the list of topics differed. It was based on history, economics, law and foreign languages ​​- the foundations that permeate all educational programs.

However, today more and more attention is paid to the creative direction. Because without creativity it is impossible to prepare professionals who are not actors, but who are capable of taking on large-scale projects as a team.

The content of our program has changed significantly, and its scope has become much broader. When I was elected president, there were only 4 faculties, and now there are 15. We have taken on ecology, sports diplomacy and management, promotion of agricultural products. This is because it is necessary to prepare specialists who can sell agricultural products and guarantee competition. Research the market and acquire everything you need to develop your industry. This is the so-called "agricultural irrelevance."

The Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy is developing a huge block on energy and presenting a separate program on international commodity markets. The Institute trains international political scientists, economists, lawyers and even public relations experts in this area.

We cooperate very actively in the practical sector with state enterprises, private companies, directly fulfilling orders for training specialists of one or another profile. This did not happen about 30 years ago.

Today, there has been a major shift towards the Global South, India, China, Iran and the ASEAN countries. And we have created joint master's programs with these countries.

We pay great attention to the digital format. As part of the Priority 2030 program, we have a digital department. Today, almost 2,000 children have already mastered the program. In the near future, I plan to ensure that all students, regardless of faculty and field of study, study at the digitalization department, which includes three levels of knowledge and competencies, including programming.

We also nurture talent for the creative industry and the experimental economy. This year, of course, we held the first registration for a joint program with the Tretyakov Gallery on museum and gallery management at the international level.

What is the most important and constant thing in the training of diplomats?

Anatoly Torkunov: Firstly, extensive and painstaking preparation. A diplomat must not only be fluent in a foreign language, but also have linguistic and cultural competencies and be able to communicate across cultures. That is, knowledge and understanding of the national and regional characteristics of the specialty. And study at the same time - all their conscious life. That is what is important. We are talking about instilling learning skills and aspiration in young specialists. The personal qualities of a diplomat are, of course, love for the Motherland, devotion to one's work, service, the ability to listen and feel the interlocutor, that is, empathy.

Anatoly Torkunov: I don't like the word elite. MGIMO is a university where more than half of first-year students are gold medalists, a quarter are winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads. And if you still use this word, then only in combination with other intellectuals. These people have proven that they are the best thanks to their studies and determination.

Speaking about geography, Muscovites make up only half of the students, the rest come from all over Russia – from the Far East to the Kaliningrad region. And most importantly, we do everything possible to make our students one friendly team. We have many events, volunteer and creative groups. In addition, citizens from 67 countries study with us. In Africa alone, 17 countries are currently represented. There is a student community, which in itself is a mechanism for mutual enrichment. Students talk about their country, culture and customs.

So I wouldn't call it MGIMO Elite. We are just a good university trying to meet the needs of the times. Things are going well, but of course there is still a lot of work to do. 80 years is not that long. We are moving on.

Source: Российская Газета: издание Правительства РФРоссийская Газета: издание Правительства РФ

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