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The State Duma has announced a new proposal on divorce conditions for families with children

The State Duma proposed to define the procedure for communication between children and their parents during divorce.

State Duma deputy from the party "For a Fair Russia - For Truth" Dmitry Kuznetsov proposed to determine the procedure for communication between children and their parents even in the event of divorce. Legislators sent the bill to the government for consideration.

It is proposed that the court decide on the procedure for communication between children under 18 and their separating parents at the stage of divorce proceedings. This occurs when the parents cannot independently agree and submit to the court an agreement on the place of residence of the minor.

Kuznetsov proposed to amend family legislation. According to the current legislation, determining the procedure for communication with children requires a separate investigation and takes a long time. The agent suggests resolving the problem of children already at the divorce stage. We believe that this will help to avoid cases where the court, having determined the child's place of residence, does not allow the parent to communicate with the other parent and close relatives. Kuznetsov believes that in Russia there is a "serious problem" with observing the interests of children raised by two parents. According to him, on paper the father has the right to participate in the upbringing of the child, but in reality this is not so.

Last September, Justice Minister Konstantin Chuichenko introduced a bill requiring reconciliation before divorce. According to him, during the reconciliation process, spouses will be able to agree on where the children will live, the division of property, and the payment of alimony. Commenting on this initiative, the State Duma stated that such procedures are not intended to complicate the divorce process, but to help spouses agree on the terms of the divorce.

On September 9, a bill was introduced to the State Duma that would oblige courts to take measures to reconcile spouses in the event of a divorce. Lawyers consider the bill useful and claim that it will help protect many families and ease the burden of the courts.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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