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⭐️The parade of fu-fu-fu offers💩 in bonds continues. Vita-Line

Low coupon scams (offers) are becoming widespread. We are constantly monitoring such publishers 💩 and suggest you 🤬 to blacklist them.

We look at companies, markets and real estate. We look for investment ideas and share them with you.

🤬Blacklist — a list of issuers that suffered losses due to non-market interest rates after the placement. Companies make money on forgetful investors, often retail investors who have 20 or more issues in their portfolios, and the portfolios themselves are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can't track everything.

In a recent example of VIS Finance, bonds fell 30% in two days. Level A+, credit risk not realized, but interest rate risk realized

Want to buy the issue, but suddenly you don’t need the government debt? – Make a call offer and buy at the beginning of the placement.

The problem is the short-term, one-year (October 2025) maturity. With a base interest rate of 19%, bond prices will fall 10% after placement, reaching an average market yield of about 23%.

We love communicating with publishers. Many respond to us. Here we are... sent to the legal address.

Well, not the first time... In May there was already a proposal for a rate of 10% against the background of the KS of 16%. • What is wrong with the proposal?

We have two regular bond collections:

Source: - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки - Блоги Инвесторов, Форумы по акциям, Котировки

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