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From college to a dairy plant

Over the past four years, the employment rate of graduates of secondary vocational education (SVE) has increased from 58% to 81%. At the same time, only 6.5% of young people after graduating from college continue their education at a university and do not work in companies.

"We already know that we will have 1 million 350 thousand finished units and about 2 million units by 2030. And we aimed to increase the employment rate of graduates to 85%." Education Minister Sergei Kravtsov presented the President with a plan for the development of the secondary vocational education system in Russia.

What does this mean? Now more than ever, there is a need to pay more attention to the action-oriented nature of programs. After all, practical knowledge will be useful to graduates immediately after leaving college. Graduates can gain practical knowledge immediately after leaving the university.

In this regard, it is quite logical that the already launched federal program "Professionalism", within the framework of which teachers of secondary vocational education undergo internships at enterprises, is very relevant and is developing at a rapid pace. Knowledge obtained first-hand in workshops, factories, wherever you can communicate with working craftsmen, engineers, technicians, etc., will help teachers to more fully reveal their subject, interest students in their future profession, share personal experience. be .

Agriculture is one of those areas where it is clearly visible how different areas can intersect when performing one common task. This also includes work with production equipment, food production, computer equipment. Because all modern enterprises in the agricultural market use databases and pay great attention to information security.

Teachers of various specialties have completed an internship at the Altai enterprise "Maima-Moloko", which produces more than 20 types of dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, butter, etc.) and has its own certification laboratory. They all have one thing in common. This is love for their work and students, the desire to improve their qualifications and graduate competent specialists from the walls of the educational institution. Agriculture is one of those areas where it is clearly visible how different areas can intersect when performing one common task.

– We joined the project on July 29, invited teachers from the International University of Cheese Making (Barnaul and Altai branches), the internship lasted until the end of August. The impression is very good,” said the company’s chief technical expert Irina Yakovenko. “The internship was useful for both teachers and employees. I really like the relationship between theorists and practitioners!

At the enterprise, university teachers and methodologists mastered the skills of working with modern automatic equipment. This is a line for the production of cheese and cottage cheese. A manager and two mentors were appointed for the internship, as well as an expert for testing interns. University teachers were given the opportunity to work in laboratories and participate in milk research. They saw a boiler for making cheese and learned visually how it is made.

"Of course, in general, the interns are surprised by the scale," says Yakovenko. "The teachers are very impressed with our company. I also liked the equipment and the organization of the work. This project gave us the opportunity to see the equipment in action. And for many teachers, this was a big discovery. Because they are closer to theorists. This includes working with production equipment, food production, and even computer technology.

"We are very grateful to all the specialists who were with us at the internship site and during the week, despite their busy schedules, they showed responsiveness and caring understanding," says Alena Mikhaleva, a teacher at the International College of Cheese Making and Professional Technologies. - Our internship was organized very competently and professionally! We had no free time and were constantly busy with work. All our questions were answered, everything was explained in a very accessible language. We managed to try on the roles of an engineer, a cheese maker, a laboratory assistant, and a refrigeration unit operator, and everyone chose what was important to them.

Mikhaleva and her colleagues took another important conclusion from the internship. The experience allowed us to completely rethink our approach to training.

– Our team included teachers of mathematics, computer science, information systems and professional cycles, but still, everyone chose what would help them in their professional activities during this internship.

The chief engineer noted that the presence of guests from the university is also useful for the host party. The knowledge gained at master classes, where one can communicate with working craftsmen, engineers and technicians, will help teachers to more fully reveal their subject.

"Not everyone in our company has a professional education, and during the internship, employees had the opportunity to gain new knowledge from teachers," she explains. "As a result, employees without professional training expressed a desire to study by correspondence, and we also hope that the university will provide advanced training services.

Yakovenko admits that today there is a very large shortage of personnel. And these internships are an opportunity to further cooperate with educational institutions in terms of training and staffing.

Teachers' participation in the Professionalism project includes demonstration testing. In response, students are shown how they can apply the acquired knowledge in practice in their learning tasks. The variety of exam topics clearly demonstrates how vast and multifaceted the field of agriculture is.

For example, Lyubov Sizova, a teacher of special disciplines (information systems and programming), studied information systems used in enterprises and developed lessons for students based on the practical knowledge gained. The student's task is to create structured tables with product data, analyze data for the year, and write queries in a special programming language to create and edit product tables. After the internship, teachers can introduce students to their future careers and share personal experiences.

And Lyubov Sizova's colleague Dmitry Ponomarev, whose task is to teach students technical operation and installation of refrigeration compressor and heat pump machines, has prepared a lecture on pressing refrigeration compressor machines. Not in theory, but in practice, he is ready to show people what equipment is used in the workshop and why it is needed.

"Now you will learn how to remove moisture from the system with nitrogen, how to connect a pressure gauge and three hoses, how to perform pressure testing yourself, how to connect the necessary equipment and check for leaks," I say. Seriously. Even business.

The teacher confidently does all the work himself, with explanations of each step, each manipulation.

And this interaction of theorists and practitioners takes place all over the country. For example, this fall, during an internship, teachers from the Lukhovitsky Agrarian and Industrial University conducted practical work on the technique of preparing dishes of the "Culinary Business" competency and successfully passed demonstration exams on hot poultry dishes and poultry consommé. During the internship, employees had the opportunity to gain new knowledge from teachers.

And during the internship, the interns of the Tambov Agrarian and Industrial College got acquainted with the specifics of the work of food market companies and, as a result, received a lot of new information about modern production. They worked on the Aiko program - a system for automating cafes and restaurants, and most importantly - there was a practical dialogue with the company's specialists.

The agricultural sector is an integral part of the country's technological sovereignty, which assumes that Russia will be as independent as possible from external suppliers and experts and that most of the products and equipment can be produced independently on the territory of the nation.

According to expert statistics, the contribution of the secondary vocational education system to the human resources potential in areas important for the country's technological sovereignty as of 2023 is: The country has accepted about 397 thousand graduates of secondary vocational educational institutions. This is 48.6% of all graduates. And the potential contribution of the secondary vocational education system to the placement of the future technocratic workforce is 1.8 million students (data for the 2023-2024 academic year), or about half (48%) of all college students. The teacher confidently does all the work himself, with explanations of each step, each manipulation.

Over the past two years, more than 10,000 new teachers have appeared in secondary vocational education institutions, and last year, about 1.25 million applicants applied for the competition, three applicants per place. This means that "professional" programs will definitely expand.


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