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Hasta finales de octubre de 2024, cuatro signos del zodíaco sufrirán cambios significativos durante un eclipse solar total. Completarán un viaje evolutivo de 16 años, informa el canal “Sapphire Brush: Magia, Tarot, Astrología y Casi Psicología”.

Libra se embarcará en un poderoso viaje de autodeterminación. Octubre será un punto de inflexión para ellos. Abrirán la puerta a la suerte y la prosperidad. El universo está alineado para recompensar su confianza.

Aries se centrará en la autorrealización y dedicará energía a la salud mental y el crecimiento espiritual. Este camino de desarrollo personal puede traer desafíos ya que algunas personas pueden resistirse al nuevo lado de Aries.

Este mes Cáncer centra su atención en cuestiones del hogar, la familia y los bienes raíces. Algunas personas pueden verse involucradas inesperadamente en el proceso de compra o venta de bienes raíces, o enfrentarse a una dinámica familiar completamente nueva.

Capricornio explora nuevas direcciones profesionales. Esta transición puede incluir dejar su trabajo actual, como una transferencia o un despido total. Este puede ser un período de adaptación difícil.

Te dijimos anteriormente que cuatro signos del zodíaco pueden determinar el éxito de tu negocio.

Deputies of the Yakutsk City Duma proposed on Tuesday to abolish direct elections of heads of all administrative centers of the subjects of the Russian Federation, including Yakutsk. They have prepared corresponding amendments to the bill on local government reform, which is under consideration by the State Duma. According to the Yakut legislators, the mayor of the regional capital should be elected by municipal councilors, not the population, and only from among candidates proposed by the governor.

The idea of ​​abolishing direct elections in Russian regional capitals was put forward at a roundtable held in the Yakut city administration on October 15. As reported by the city council press service, the initiative should "bring legislation into line with existing law enforcement practices," since direct elections had previously been abolished in almost all administrative centers (see diagram). The exceptions are Yakutsk, Khabarovsk, Abakan (Khakassia), and Anadyr (Chukotka). In other capitals, mayors are elected from among city council members or competition winners.

According to Yakut legislators, the head of the administrative center should be elected by members of local government from among candidates nominated by the heads of federal subjects in accordance with the new procedure.

This is one of three possible methods (along with direct elections and elections of mayors of the city Duma) envisaged by the draft law "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in a Unified System of State Institutions." It has been under consideration by the State Duma since 2021. The reform plan is expected to receive final approval this fall.

As the Chairman of the Yakutsk City Duma Albert Semenov (United Russia, United Russia) explained to Kommersant, the deputy proposes to amend paragraph 2 of Article 19 of the bill. Article 19 of the bill specifies that only one method of determining the market can be used for regional capitals. They will send this amendment to the All-Russian Association for the Development of Local Self-Government (VARMSU), which has the status of a single organization protecting the interests of local government bodies and participating in the preparation of the aforementioned bill.

According to Mr. Semenov, the governor’s participation in the election process will strengthen the vertical power structure and will contribute to political stability in the context of special operations and Western sanctions.

"We need to act simultaneously," the speaker explained. He named the implementation of the Yakutsk General Plan, developed until 2030, as one of the other reasons for canceling direct elections. "It is now important to ensure that the city's global problems are solved by teams led by experts."

According to the press service of the City Duma, Yakutsk Mayor Yevgeny Grigoriev (United Russia) supported the deputies' proposal, emphasizing that it is aimed at implementing the 2020 amendments to the Constitution on the unification of the system of state power. Mr. Grigoriev was elected head of the city in 2021, receiving 44.1% of the vote. His main competitor at that time was journalist Vitaly Obedin (A Just Russia - for Truth), who received 38.9%.

Yevgeny Grigoriev succeeded the "people's mayor" Sardana Avksentieva. Sardana Avksentieva unexpectedly won the 2018 elections against Alexander Savvinov, then chairman of the United Russia city council. After the well-known Yakut businessman Vladimir Fedorov was excluded from the race (he was recalled by the Rodina party that nominated him), Ms. Avksentieva rallied protest voters and gained 40% of the vote (versus 31.7% for United Russia). In 2021, the mayor resigned due to health reasons, but was soon elected to the State Duma from the New People party.

Sardana Avksentieva told Kommersant at the initiative of Yakut legislators: "I believe that the decision to cancel direct elections of the mayor of Yakutsk is wrong. The mayor of the city, elected by its residents, is directly accountable to them, they are his employers. From personal experience, I can say that this helps maintain direct relations with people and instills discipline."

Viktor Gubarev, first secretary of the republican committee of the Russian Communist Party and communist leader of the National Assembly (parliament) of Yakutia, also criticized the concept of local self-government.

He recalled that Yakut United Russia has the opportunity to cancel direct voting by citizens without resorting to federal law. This would require amendments to the republican law on local self-government, which currently provides for only direct elections. market. "This is a trick. They are giving themselves the opportunity to appeal to federal authorities. People need to be explained why (the elections are being cancelled. - "Kommersant"). But there are no explanations," Mr. Gubarev said.

By the way, the deputy of the National Assembly of "United Russia" Viktor Fedorov in a conversation with "Ъ" has already promised to review the law, which the leading Yakut communist spoke about. According to him, next week he will introduce a bill that will give local government bodies the right to independently decide which model of representative they will elect. If adopted, the deputies of the Yakutsk City Duma will be able to directly cancel the elections without introducing federal amendments.

According to political scientist Konstantin Kalachev, direct elections of the mayor of Yakutsk continue to create risks for the regional government, since Yevgeny Grigoriev’s victory in 2021 required serious administrative mobilization.

"In 2026, questions will arise again about how controlled the electoral process is in Yakutsk and Yakutia as a whole. I don't think that the decision to cancel direct elections will please the villagers. There may not be any protests, but the atmosphere will not be friendly to the city authorities," the expert said.

Source: "Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом"Коммерсантъ". Издательский дом

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