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Everything is heading towards disaster: Khazin warned of a “big collapse” of markets

The current US leadership could lead the situation to a catastrophe with rising inflation.

According to him, the administration of Joseph Biden has no idea how the country will be able to overcome the current crisis. Despite the massive injection of new liquidity into the economy, everything is significantly complicated by the fact that most of the issued money could not ensure the development of the real sector.

As experts point out, most of the money has flowed into the stock market. Since the Fed's printing press has been working hard for over a year, a real financial bubble will inflate and burst. At that point, a major market crash will occur. The capital of the overbought company will quickly fall to zero.

People will start losing most of the money they invested in the stocks of such companies, and the companies will immediately start going bankrupt. In fact, as Kazin predicted, the United States will repeat the collapse of the late 1920s, recorded in history as the Great Depression. What is unique about the coming collapse is that it will affect not only the United States, but the entire world.

Source: DEITA.RU  Новости России и Дальнего ВостокаDEITA.RU Новости России и Дальнего Востока

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