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Evgeny Panasenko: “Changes in urban planning documents are dictated by life itself”

The draft consolidated document of the Krasnodar Region Plan, which will be open for public discussion from October 19 to 25, was commented on by a participant in the development, head of the development project "Strategy for the Development of Krasnodar (2030)" Evgeny Panasenko. Strategy of the Krasnodar Region.

– Each territory, be it a region or a city, has a development strategy that determines the direction of development and the growth point. The implementation of these development vectors is clearly spelled out in a single document that combines the general plan with the rules of land use and development. This is an important document with which the city will live for many years.

Life depends on many factors. Sometimes it is impossible to predict many things. A typical example is infectious diseases. Yes, we are trying to formulate certain rules of the game in the long term, but real events usually put everything in its place. And the workbook that we are discussing today is, in fact, a tool that needs to be adapted to improve the quality of life of citizens. A good example of the changes that our cities need today is the social sphere. A few years ago, we planned as many schools and kindergartens in Krasnodar as necessary, but in 2022, the migration flow increased significantly. And the city was not ready to accept so many people who moved here.

Therefore, there is nothing supernatural in the fact that four years later we are adjusting the General Plan-2020, adopted as part of the preparation of the workbook. Life itself pushes us to the fact that we now need much more social facilities than we planned then. All these requirements are reflected in the draft document of the Unified Territorial Plan of Krasnodar, designed to make the lives of city residents more comfortable.

Source: Кубанские НовостиКубанские Новости

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