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State Duma deputy named as one of the masterminds behind the assassination attempt on Kadyrov makes statement

A State Duma deputy named as one of the organizers of the assassination attempt on Kadyrov made a statement.

Barakhoev denied accusations that the head of Chechnya organized an attempt on his life.

State Duma deputy from Ingushetia Bekkhan Barakhoev made a statement in which he named the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov as one of the customers of the assassination attempt on him. The deputy rejected all accusations from Chechen politicians, the Telegram channel "Fortanga" reports.

At a public meeting in Malgobek, Barakhoev assured that he had nothing to do with possible criminal plans.

“I have nothing to do with this and never have,” the deputy said.

In October, Kadyrov spoke about an attempt to order an assassination attempt on him. According to him, State Duma deputies Bekkhan Barakhoyev and Rizvan Kurbanov, as well as Senator Suleiman Kerimov, tried to take revenge on him after the shooting took place near the Wildberry office in central Moscow.

In the summer, a representative of Chechnya published a video in which Wildpers co-founder Vladislav Bakalchuk announced an intrusive takeover of the company. Kadyrov decided to help the businessman and instructed State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov to deal with this.

On September 18, a shooting occurred near Wildberry's central office in Moscow, killing two people. Former mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter from Grozny Umar Chichaev was involved in the clash.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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