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Folk omens for October 15: what misfortune awaits those who took money on Kupriyanov Day, went out on the road and let a stranger into the house

What can and cannot be done on St. John's Day.

On Tuesday, October 15, the Orthodox Church remembers three martyrs who died for their faith at the beginning of the 4th century: Cyprian, Justina and Theoktistos, and the holy blessed princess Anna of Kashin.

In the folk calendar, October 15 is celebrated as Kupriyan's Day or "Kuprian and Ustinya". There were no noisy gatherings on this day. In the evening of October 15, it was customary to do group work. Women did needlework, and men talked. This day was also considered successful in pre-wedding endeavors.

Kupriyanov Day has a number of prohibitions. On this day, one cannot swear, use foul language, plot or gossip. Anyone who violates the prohibition will suffer morally and physically. Outsiders are also prohibited from entering the house. It was believed that dark forces could penetrate them and cause trouble.

On Kupriyan, you can't scold children, especially unbaptized ones. Our ancestors were convinced that as soon as this ends, evil spirits will appear. Avoid wearing bright clothes and shiny jewelry on October 15. All this can attract dark forces that are trying to leave you with bad memories of themselves. It is also not recommended to leave the house with a lot of money. It was believed that money can be lost if you do not spend it wisely. Also, on this day, you should not make grandiose plans, go on long trips, move or start a business. All this can end in disaster.

And the weather information for October 15 is as follows: Frost on the tree branches means dry and sunny weather. A cold wind blew and heavy rain began. The winter will be severe. And when it snows, real winter will come in 40 days.


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