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"I Work for Food." Tyumen Residents Reveal How Much Money They Spend on Food — Sometimes It's Almost Their Entire Salary

Tyumen residents' salaries are not growing as fast as food prices. For example, oil prices have skyrocketed over the past month, a small bottle of caviar has become a luxury item, and the price of fish continues to rise. How do ordinary Tyumen residents live in the new conditions? We ask our readers and share their opinions.

"I'll buy everything I see, but in reality I'll only buy what I need most."

— We constantly sell everything. The calculations are scary. Yesterday we stopped at Magnit and bought cooked sausage, cheese, bread, cookies, sour cream, eggs and dough. The check at the cash register was 2700. We didn’t really buy anything, but 3 rubles came out of nowhere. So for a family of three, 30 people will definitely fly,” Alexander wrote.

- 30,000 per person or 1,000 per day. We are a family of three,” says Vitaly Ulyanov.

— About 8-10 years ago, I calculated the program expenses and was particularly surprised to see that food did not make up the largest part of the costs. In 2017, this amount would probably have been 15,000 won for a family of four. Of course, now it is something more. The height of one son at 15 years old was 1.87. Probably, only the same 15 people will go to him,” says Evgeniy.

- It's paradoxical. Prices are rising, but quality is deteriorating. In fact, we are paying a huge price for our own illness. The food industry is followed by "medical" and ritual enterprises," Pavel wrote.

“I spend between 40,000 and 50,000 on a family of 2 adults and 3 children. Essentially, I work for food,” says Maria Denisenko.

- Don't put pressure on the patient. If you go to the store and be such an idiot... you'll buy everything with your eyes, but in reality you'll only buy what you need most. Oh, where should we go? The prices are getting higher and higher every day," Marina says.

— 30,000 units of food + 30,000 units of gasoline, beer, cigarettes, + 20,000 units of children's department + 10 units of utilities and so on. So 90-100 flights per month. It would be better not to think so," says Alexander.

— It's 80 thousand dollars for two, but I don't think I'll buy anything special. They don't have oysters there every day, but we go to a restaurant once or twice a week at most. Nikolay Antonov: Food prices have gone up too much lately.

There have been heated discussions over the past few weeks about the rising prices of red caviar. The price of this delicacy will most likely increase by the New Year. We looked at how much this product is sold for in Tyumen and what to expect next.

Earlier we said that fish prices had increased in Tyumen. Local residents took notice of this. Statistics confirm their observations. We went to the place where the fish was sold, looked at the prices and talked to the seller.

Source: 72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital72.RU - главные новости Тюмени. Shkulev Digital

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