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Russian Armed Forces soldier speaks out about the creation of militias in Russia from migrants: "All sorts of nonsense"

Moscow, October 14, FederalPress. The news that immigrants want to form security forces to protect their compatriots has caused a public outcry. The plan first appeared in Tyumen, where the head of the Tajik diaspora in Bratsk, Makhmadiso Makhmadshoev, voiced the idea of ​​forming a “self-defense group” from migrants to protect their fellow tribesmen. A Russian army serviceman with the call sign Dobro told FederalPress whether this should be done and whether immigrants should serve in the Russian army.

The move is aimed at controlling the actions of security forces during raids on illegal immigrants. Many immigrants believe that local security forces often exceed their authority during raids to identify illegal immigrants. They behave too harshly towards foreigners and use physical force.

The Russian military also asked whether immigrants should be required to serve in the Russian army. In his opinion, there is no logic to this.

A Russian army soldier stated that there is no logic in immigrants serving in the Russian army. There is no point in recruiting newly minted Russian citizens into the army, the soldier concluded.

Let me remind you that the State Duma has come up with a way to reduce crime among immigrants. Consequently, foreign citizenship should be considered an aggravating circumstance when committing a crime. The corresponding draft amendments to the Criminal Code have been submitted to the State Duma.

Source: ФедералПрессФедералПресс

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