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St. Petersburg traffic police seized a BMW from a record-breaking violator and sent it to the military registration and enlistment office

The St. Petersburg State Traffic Safety Inspectorate confiscated the BMW from the record violator and sent it to the military registration and enlistment office.

In St. Petersburg, a BMW with foreign license plates was confiscated from a well-known criminal.

In St. Petersburg, State Traffic Inspectorate (GAI) officers conducted special raids to check vehicles with foreign license plates to identify violators. This was reported by TASS on Monday, October 14.

The police have identified record-breakers among violators who violated traffic rules 1,453 times and accumulated unpaid fines totaling 363 thousand rubles. The criminal confiscated a BMW 3 Series car registered abroad nearby and delivered it to the military registration and enlistment office for military registration.

During the raids, security forces checked 1,500 cars with foreign license plates, on which more than 2,000 administrative violations were recorded. Most of the violators turned out to be citizens of neighboring countries, including the Baltic republics.

Hundreds of migrants were reportedly brought to administrative responsibility in Moscow on October 11 following raids.

Source: Lenta.RuLenta.Ru

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