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Folk omens for November 5: what promises a hungry life and a century of loneliness on the day of the brother of Jesus Christ
What can and cannot be done on this day.
On November 5, the Church remembers the Apostle of the Seventy, James. He was the son of Joseph the Betrothed and the husband of the Virgin Mary and is considered the brother of Jesus Christ "according to the flesh." According to belief, James's Day can influence the fate and events in a person's life.
They say that on November 5th you can't cut your hair or nails. This can bring misfortune and illness. You can't drink water in the morning. You'll get hungry. On this day, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money or make purchases. This will lead to poverty. Also, don't do someone else's work. This can lead to poverty. Moving on Jacob's Day does not promise anything good. It will be worse in a new place. Sewing and knitting - to big troubles.
Visits from unmarried young men were forbidden. You will remain alone forever. But a wedding on Jacob's Day meant a happy life. Treat animals kindly - they will receive protection from evil spirits.